What is the difference between Baroque and Rococo art?

What is the difference between Baroque and Rococo art?

Baroque Style Though connected through their nautical word origins and general style, their differences are notable and important. Whereas the Baroque style exudes a masculine energy and presence, Rococo art has a more demure, very beautiful, feminine aura.

What is the difference between Baroque and Rococo fashion?

Baroque and Rococo styles were created basically for the noble mansions, monarchies and for churches. The key difference between baroque and rococo is that rococo produced more delicate and feminine work than the baroque style.

How is rococo painting different from Baroque art quizlet?

How is Rococo painting different from Baroque art? It is more highly eroticized and sensual. a palette of blue-on-white, as in porcelain ware. Which painting style did Angelica Kauffmann display in Egeria Handing Numa Pompilius His Shield?

What are three characteristics of Baroque style architecture?

Baroque architecture as developed by Bernini, Carlo Maderno, Francesco Borromini, and Guarino Guarini emphasized massiveness and monumentality, movement, dramatic spatial and lighting sequences, and a rich interior decoration using contrasting surface textures, vivid colours, and luxurious materials to heighten the …

What are the elements of Baroque architecture?

Other characteristic qualities include grandeur, drama and contrast (especially in lighting), curvaceousness, and an often dizzying array of rich surface treatments, twisting elements, and gilded statuary. Architects unabashedly applied bright colours and illusory, vividly painted ceilings.

What is baroque architecture known for?

Baroque architecture is a highly decorative and theatrical style which appeared in Italy in the early 17th century and gradually spread across Europe. Baroque architects took the basic elements of Renaissance architecture, including domes and colonnades, and made them higher, grander, more decorated, and more dramatic.

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