How does the Pardoner earn money?

How does the Pardoner earn money?

How does the Pardoner earn his living? by taking money to “forgive sins”, he also sells religious trinkets, that are fake.

What are two ways that the Pardoner earns money?


Term A Pardoner is an official of the — Definition church
Term The Pardoner earns money by Definition preaching against greed begging from church to church selling relics and papal pardons
Term The Stories about Death suggest that- Definition death from violence and plague is rampant

How does the Pardoner’s Tale illustrate the moral that greed is the root of all evil?

The Pardoner demonstrates his theme that “greed is the root of all evil” not only in his tale, but also in his “confession” of the methods he uses to make money. His greed leads him to preach a sermon whose main purpose is to get the listeners to buy his relics and pardons.

Which of the sins does the Pardoner violate explain?

the pardoner violates greed because all he cares about it money and that is a root to evil. he puts his needs over everyone else’s. he tries to sell relics and he would rather take a penny from a widow and her starving family than give up his money etc.

How does the Pardoner keep his extravagant lifestyle?

How does the Pardoner keep up his extravagant lifestyle? His church pays for all his expenses. The Pope gives him money to spend. He sells authentic holy relics from Rome.

What is ironic about the Pardoner?

The irony of the Pardoner’s tale is that he preaches on the very sin he commits. The Pardoner’s prologue tells that he tries to pass off pig’s bones as relics of saints, a pillow case as a shawl worn by Mary, etc. He decieves people trying to buy pardons from their sins by selling false pardons to earn himself money.

What sins is the Pardoner guilty of committing?

We know from the General Prologue that the Pardoner is as corrupt as others in his profession, but his frankness about his own hypocrisy is nevertheless shocking. He bluntly accuses himself of fraud, avarice, and gluttony—the very things he preaches against.

What moral does the Pardoner want us to draw?

English 12 – Canterbury Tales – The Pardoner’s Tale

What moral do you think Chaucer wants you to draw from the Pardoner’s tale? Money is the root of all evil. However, Chaucer also wants us to realize that supposedly holy members of the Church can be evil and corrupt like the Pardoner.

What are the 3 rioters looking for?


According to the Pardoner’s Tale, why are the three rioters looking for death? They want to kill him
What does the old man tell the three rioters? He tells them that they’ll find Death under a nearby tree
How do the three rioters treat the old man? They treat him roughly and scornfully

What oath do the three drunks swear?

kill Death

Is the Pardoner good or bad?

The Pardoner is good at preaching, but in his prologue he tells the pilgrims he only does it to win money, berating the people for their sinfulness so they’ll be more likely to buy what he is selling.

Why is the Pardoner bad?

Chaucer’s Pardoner is a highly untrustworthy character. After telling the group how he gulls people into indulging his own avarice through a sermon he preaches on greed, the Pardoner tells of a tale that exemplifies the vice decried in his sermon.

How is the Pardoner corrupt?

The religious that the Pardoner teaching is corrupted and very selfish, greediness, and gluttony. The Pardoner act and his teaching are all corrupted because of the church. It shows the side of greediness, gluttony and selfishness which highly reflect into himself and his believe.

Why is the Pardoner evil?

In his prologue, the Pardoner frankly confesses that he is a fraud motivated by greed and avarice and that he is guilty of all seven sins. Even though he is essentially a hypocrite in his profession, he is at least being honest as he makes his confession.

What kind of person is the Pardoner?

The pardoner tells the story and emphasizes the sins of others. He uses the story to provoke the other pilgrims to buy his pardons. This shows that the pardoner is a greedy, hypocritical man. Still, he is a good preacher and the message of his tale, though corrupted, is also good.

What does the Pardoner symbolize?

Cake, drink, gold, and money all help to show the greed and gluttony the Pardoner so embodies and preaches against. The bell, papal seal, and Latin are all religious symbols of what the Pardoner should be, and is abusing. Their treatment of the old man is also symbolic of how far they have fallen.

Do you view the Pardoner as hypocritical or honest?

Hover for more information. The Pardoner in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is honest to his immediate listeners (the other travelers), and dishonest and hypocritical to his usual listeners (the people he usually preaches to when he makes his money).

Is the Pardoner honest?

The Pardoner is not honest at all, he is the complete opposite of honest. As Chaucer (1476) himself said in the Pardoner’s prologue “he made the parson and the people his apes” (line 705).

What do the rioters find under the tree and what do they decide to do as a result?

What do the rioters find under the tree, and what do they decide to do as a result? The rioters find a pile of gold coins under the tree. They all plot to kill each other so the other can have all the gold to himself.

What method will the two rioters use to kill the youngest rioter?

What method will the two older rioters use to kill the youngest? Play wrestle with him, then stab him in the back.

What happened to the youngest rioter at the end?

What is the plan to kill the youngest rioter? the wickedest and gamber kill the younger rioter when he gets back from town as planned. to celebrate the 2 men drink the poison the young man brought backin hopes of killing them. all 3 rioters die in the end.

When the story opens what are the rioters doing?

Terms in this set (16) When the story opens, what are the rioters doing? They are drinking in a tavern.

What qualities do the rioters represent?

Certainly the three young men Geoffrey Chaucer refers to as “rioters” or “revelers” (depending on the translation) in “The Pardoner’s Tale” are suffering from some serious character flaws. The two most obvious are greed and pride (arrogance), since those are the two that are most responsible for their deaths.

How do the rioters kill each other?

After recalling all of the deaths Death has caused throughout the countryside, the Rioters swear a pact of brotherhood and make a plan to seek out and kill Death. When he gets back to the grove, his two friends kill him. The other two sit down to eat and drink, swallow the poison, and die painful deaths.

Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?

Geoffrey Chaucer

What is the main setting of the story about the knight?

With no one to reprove our faults and lies, Rather to have one call us good and wise. What is the main setting of the story about the knight in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”? In “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” the knight decides to return to the queen and meet his fate even before he meets the old woman.

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