What are the expressive qualities of an artwork?

What are the expressive qualities of an artwork?

Expressive qualities refers to the feelings, moods, and ideas that are disseminated to the viewers by an artist through a work of art. This aesthetic quality was deeply favoured by emotionalism.

What does expressive mean in art?

Expressive Arts is a discipline of helping and healing that uses the arts as its basis for discovery and change. Shamans used the arts to heal their communities, through the use of dreams, singing, dancing and stories. Spiritual pursuits throughout history used song, dance and visual arts as a community activity.

What are the qualities of art?

The principles of art include movement, unity, harmony, variety, balance, contrast, proportion and pattern. The elements include texture, form, space, shape, color, value and line.

What are the two types of lines?

How many types of lines are there? There are two basic lines in Geometry: straight and curved. Straight lines are further classifies into horizontal and vertical. Other types of lines are parallel lines, intersecting lines and perpendicular lines.

What are lines?

In geometry, a line can be defined as a straight one- dimensional figure that has no thickness and extends endlessly in both directions. It is often described as the shortest distance between any two points.

Which line is used for visible outlines?

A visible line, or object line is a thick continuous line, used to outline the visible edges or contours of an object.

How many types of lines are there in drawing?


What do you understand by thickness of line?

This section deals with line thicknesses definition. Line thicknesses is a property which can be applied to, and drives the representation of, almost all elements in a drawing, such as lines, curves, dimension lines, etc. (Line thickness cannot be applied to fonts and points).

Do lines have thickness?

A line is defined as a line of points that extends infinitely in two directions. A plane extends infinitely in two dimensions. It has no thickness.

What are line weights?

A line weight is the strength or thickness of a line, achieved by using a variety of pens with different nibs, or applying different pressures onto the paper.

What are thin lines?

A very narrow division between two alternatives, one of which is much worse than the other. As a new parent, you learn that there’s a thin line between looking out for your child’s welfare and being overprotective.

What is the thin GREY line?

The Thin Gray Line represents Correctional Officers. Currently, there are over 480,000 Correctional Officers serving in America today. The Thin Gray Line honors all those who serve in correctional institutions, including prison guards, probation officers, parole officers, bailiffs, and jailers.

What is the thin purple line?

Thin Purple Line chosen to represent security professionals worldwide – International Foundation for Protection Officers.

What are the thin line colors?


  • The Thin White Line represents emergency medical services.
  • The Thin Red Line represents Registered Nurses.
  • The Thin Silver Line represents Correctional Officers.
  • The Thin Green Line represents Federal Agents such as Border Patrol, Park Rangers, Game Wardens and Conservation Personnel.

What does the thin blue line symbolize?

The thin blue line flag represents the ideals of justice and freedom, bravery and solidarity. Although it has great meaning for the fraternal feelings of police officers for others in the profession, it is not reserved for use only by police officers.

What does a black flag with a blue stripe mean?

thin blue line

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