What other dances were in the Baroque dance suite?
Typically, this was based around a core of four dances, the allemande, courante, sarabande and gigue, to which others were often added. In Germany the suite was known as a Partita. Aside from the dances mentioned, other popular ones included the gavotte, bourrée, passacaglia, chaconne, minuet and passepied.
What Baroque genre is made up of various dance movements such as the Allemande Courante and Gigue?
Suites were composed of four main movements: allemande, courante, sarabande, and gigue. Each of the four main movements is based on a dance form from another country. Thus, each movement has a characteristic sound and varies in rhythm and meter.
What is a suite in baroque music?
Introduction. A characteristic baroque form was the dance suite. Suites are ordered sets of instrumental or orchestral pieces usually performed in a concert setting. (Some dance suites by Bach are called partitas, although this term is also used for other collections of musical pieces).
What is a suite in musical terms?
Alternative Title: dance suite. Suite, in music, a group of self-contained instrumental movements of varying character, usually in the same key. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the period of its greatest importance, the suite consisted principally of dance movements.
What is the instrumental suite made up of?
An instrumental suite is made up of a collection of band or orchestral compositions, each of which is intended to accompany a dance.
What is the difference between a trill and a Mordent?
A mordent is sort of like a super-short trill. A lower mordent, which is a squiggle with a line through it, means the same thing, only you do a turn with the lower note. If the note written was an “E”, you would play “E-D-E” very quickly
What is a lower Mordent?
In music, a mordent is an ornament indicating that the note is to be played with a single rapid alternation with the note above or below. The mordent is thought of as a rapid single alternation between an indicated note, the note above (the upper mordent) or below (the lower mordent) and the indicated note again.
How do you write Trill?
Trills in modern notation are usually expressed with the abbreviation “tr” above a note on the staff. Often the abbreviation is followed by a wavy line that indicates the length of the trill. Example of simple trills. Example of trills followed by wavy lines.
What is the difference between an Acciaccatura and appoggiatura?
What Is an Acciaccatura? While an appoggiatura places emphasis on the grace note, an acciaccatura places emphasis on the main note itself. The grace note of an acciaccatura can be a diatonic note that functions as a chord tone alongside other notes in a musical phrase
Why was ornamentation used?
In architecture, ornamentation is used to decorate and give interest and character to a building.
What is an example of prudence?
Prudence is defined as the act of being careful, often with money. An example of prudence is checking your bank account before you spend money. The quality or state of being prudent; wisdom in the way of caution and provision; discretion; carefulness; hence, also, economy; frugality.