Why art is another way of self expression?

Why art is another way of self expression?

When the intent behind our art is self-expression, the value in the art becomes the emotional benefits. The process we go through to create our art, to transform a mental image into something physical, is a reflection of our thought processes.

What are some of the reasons for creating works of art?

The purpose of works of art may be to communicate political, spiritual or philosophical ideas, to create a sense of beauty (see aesthetics), to explore the nature of perception, for pleasure, or to generate strong emotions.

What are examples of artwork?

Examples of visual arts works:

  • Advertisements, commercial prints, labels.
  • Artificial flowers and plants.
  • Artwork applied to clothing or to other useful articles.
  • Bumper stickers, decals, stickers.
  • Cartographic works, such as maps, globes, relief models.
  • Cartoons, comic strips.
  • Collages.
  • Dolls, toys.

Why does art demand involvement or experiences?

Explanation: Of course art demand involvement to be more appreciated. When you look at an art or a masterpiece it reminds you of something and sometimes bring up old memories or it makes you imagine something and in that way the viewer or onlooker is already involved in that art.

What are the four assumptions of art?


  • Art is everywhere.
  • Art is not nature.
  • Art is imitating and creating.
  • Art perfects nature.
  • Art message is universal.

What is the role of audience in art?

The audience is so important in the definition of your art. As well, you need the people in that culture to see your work because whether they like it or not, they are the ones that complete the process of making real art. Without the audience, there is little to no significance to the idea or the creation.

Why is audience important in art?

Affirmation: Artists have the freedom to create whatever they want, but many – if not all – pieces of art are products of the society and culture from which they are born. Having an audience is necessary because art cannot exist in a vacuum devoid influences and expectations.

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