What instrument uses both bass and treble clef?

What instrument uses both bass and treble clef?

The Grand Staff. The grand staff (or “great stave” as it’s called in Britain), is a combination of two staves put together, usually a treble clef and a bass clef. This combination clef is used for a variety of instruments, including piano, organ, marimba (pictured above), harp, and more.

Is Piano a bass or treble clef?

Piano music is written in the bass and treble clefs, though other clefs are used in other instrumentation. The treble clef, or G clef, is used for the higher sounding notes, usually played with the right hand. The bass clef, or F clef, is used for the lower sounding notes, usually played with the left hand.

Does oboe play treble clef?

Oboe music is written in the treble clef and is in the key of C. The oboe is a non transposing instrument. Much longer than the bassoon, it too is a folded, conical-bore instrument made of hardwood. It is written in the bass clef and sounds an octave lower than written.

Does Viola use treble clef?

Another instrument that commonly uses alto clef is the Viola d’Amore. Viola music employs the treble clef when there are substantial sections of music written in a higher register.

Should I learn clarinet or sax?

If a student wants to play mostly jazz, they should consider saxophone first; if they are more interested in orchestral music and classical traditions, they should consider clarinet first

Which stringed instrument is easiest to learn?


Is soprano sax easier than clarinet?

Clarinet is much more difficult than soprano, but the main differences are that the clarinet is in tune better with itself and there is actually a classical repetoire for the clarinet. Paquito is good, but he sounds like an alto sax player

What is harder to play flute or clarinet?

Flute is harder at first, but clarinet gets harder as you learn more notes. Originally Answered: How easy is it to learn how to play the clarinet compared to playing the flute? They are roughly similar in finger technique. The flute takes more air.

Why does a saxophone sound different from a clarinet?

The clarinet has a “register” key. When an octave key is pressed in on the saxophone, the note becomes twice as high in frequency. When the clarinet register key is pressed, the note becomes three times as high in frequency. The saxophone is a “conical” instrument whereas the clarinet is merely a “cylindrical” one

Is playing clarinet bad for your teeth?

Most of the problems are experienced by musicians who play the saxophone or clarinet as they will put a lot of pressure on the lower lip and the teeth to support the weight of the saxophone/clarinet. Teeth misalignment may also be experienced if they play the instruments extensively

What’s the most expensive clarinet?

1. Selmer Paris Model 41 Contrabass Clarinet

  • Price: $35,775.
  • At an astounding $35,775, the Selmer Paris Model 41 Contrabass Clarinet is the most expensive clarinet in the world.
  • Price: $25,000.
  • Price: $23,204.
  • Price: $9,259.99.
  • Price: $9,212.15.
  • Price: $9,000 for the Bb and A models.
  • Price: $7,882.24.

Is clarinet same as flute?

Both the clarinet and the flute are members of the woodwind family. They are members of the woodwind family because both instruments used to be made out of wood. The clarinet is still made out of wood, but the flute is now made out of metal, silver being the most common

Is flute harder than saxophone?

Sax is not harder than flute, just a little different. Sax is more versatile in rock, blues and jazz than flute. Reeds are less trouble than guitar strings – and less expensive. Sax will attract more women than flute.

Why the clarinet is the best instrument?

Many of our customers choose the clarinet because of its versatility and ease of learning compared to other wind instruments, such as the trumpet or trombone. The clarinet is synonymous with romanticism, dexterity, communication, and expression

Is trumpet the hardest instrument?

The trumpet is probably one of the hardest instruments out there. After attempting to play the trumpet for a few months, my respect for trumpet players has increased tenfold. As a trumpet player who also plays piano, I say this with all seriousness: The piano is much easier than the trumpet

Is clarinet a good instrument?

The clarinet is a great instrument of choice for anyone that has never played an instrument before because it easy to learn and even easier to handle, making it perfect for children and young players

Which is easier clarinet or trumpet?

Clarinet is much better than trumpet. Clarinet is easier to play for beginners but gets a lot harder to play than trumpet as you do more advanced songs.

What is the hardest woodwind instrument to learn?


Is Piano harder than clarinet?

So, piano will have a steeper learning curve, but in the long term it’ll be the same amount of effort. The clarinet is no harder or easier than any other orchestral instrument that a beginner may learn. …

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