What are the 5 main periods of music and their dates?

What are the 5 main periods of music and their dates?

  • Medieval (c. 1150 – c. 1400)
  • Renaissance (c. 1400 – c. 1600)
  • Baroque (c. 1600 – c. 1750)
  • Classical (c. 1750 – c. 1830)
  • Early Romantic (c. 1830 – c. 1860)
  • Late Romantic (c. 1860 – c. 1920)
  • Post ‘Great War’ Years (c. 1920 – Present)

What is a musical period?

Period, in music, a unit of melodic organization made up of two balanced phrases in succession; the first phrase, called the antecedent, comes to a point of partial completeness; it is balanced by the consequent, a phrase of the same length that concludes with a sense of greater completeness.

What are the musical style in the 20th century?

Modernism, impressionism, and post-romanticism can all be traced to the decades before the turn of the century, but can be included because they evolved beyond the musical boundaries of the 19th-century styles that were part of the earlier common practice period. Neoclassicism and expressionism came mostly after 1900.

What are the 5 musical styles in 20th century music?


  • Romantic style.
  • Neoclassicism.
  • Jazz-influenced classical composition.
  • Impressionism.
  • Modernism.
  • Free dissonance and experimentalism.
  • Expressionism.
  • Postmodern music.

What did you learn about the 20th century musical style?

Answer. 20th-century classical music describes art music that was written nominally from 1901 to 2000, inclusive. Musical style diverged during the 20th century as it never had previously. Aleatory, atonality, serialism, musique concrète, electronic music, and concept music were all developed during this century./span>

Why is 20th century considered as the age of musical diversity?

The 20th century is described as the “age of musical diversity” because composers had more creative freedom. Composers were more willing to experiment with new music forms or reinvent music forms of the past. They also took advantage of the resources and technology that were available to them./span>

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