How do you reply to a discussion board post?
There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because…” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but…” If you disagree with someone’s post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it’s different from your own.
How do I reply to a discussion board on Blackboard?
The Blackboard Discussion tool works in a similar way….Replying to a Thread and Post
- Enter a new subject, or leave unchanged.
- Click the Show More ( ) button if you cannot see all of the tools in the Toolbar Area.
- Then enter your reply in the message area.
- Include attachments if allowed and desired.
- Click Submit.
How do you write a good discussion post?
How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]
- Do your homework.
- Read prompts carefully.
- Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective.
- Be relevant.
- Bring something unique to the post.
- Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post.
- Leave participants wanting more.
How do you reply to a discussion post on canvas?
Click the title of the Discussion to open the Discussion topic. To reply to the main discussion, type your reply in the Reply field. Write your response in the Rich Content Editor.
How do I participate in a canvas discussion?
Participate in a Discussion
- Discussions allow you to have conversations online.
- You can access a discussion from the Modules index page, the Course Navigation page if it has the Discussions link, the Assignments page, the Calendar, or the Syllabus.
- To enter your response to a discussion prompt, click the Reply link [1].
What does it mean to pin a discussion in canvas?
Pinned discussions allow instructors to save discussions s/he would like students to see first. If there is a discussion post students should be focused on for a particular week or month, the instructor or TA can pin the discussion so that all following discussions will appear beneath that of the one that is pinned./span>
How do discussions work in canvas?
Canvas provides an integrated system for class discussions, allowing both instructors and students to start and contribute to as many discussion topics as desired. Discussions allows for interactive communication between two or more people; users can participate in a conversation with an entire class or group.
Can you pin an announcement in canvas?
In addition to receiving an email notification when an Announcement is posted, the Announcements feature allows students to directly access information on Canvas. Instructors can pin Announcements to the top of their course’s homepage so it is the first thing students see./span>
How do I unpin a discussion in canvas?
You can unpin a discussion by selecting the discussion’s Settings icon and clicking the Unpin link. The discussion will automatically move back to Discussions. If the discussion became locked after it was pinned, the discussion will move to Closed for Comments after unpinning.
What does closed for comments mean on canvas?
“Closed for Comments” Discussions do not permit students to contribute. Even if you don’t have any “closed” Discussions, this heading “Closed for Comments” still will appear for you and your students.
Can I pin an announcement on Google classroom?
“Pin a Post to the Top”. You can now pin this post to the top of your Classroom Feed by clicking on the three bullet-points next to the post and selecting, “Move to Top”.
Can teachers see who you pin on Zoom?
No, users will not be notified when their video is pinned. Pinning is a local action that only affects the view on your device. While recording notifies users to maintain privacy, pinning a video does not. Pinning a video also does not notify the host./span>
Why are my announcements not visible in canvas?
If students can’t see your Announcements, it’s likely the menu item has been disabled. In Settings, click on the Navigation tab at the top. This is where you control the order and accessibility of menu items./span>
How do you make a module visible in canvas?
After you create and then publish a discussion, you can enable the discussion tab for students by going to course settings –> Module, and clicking “enable” on the wheel next to the module tab. This will make the tab visible to students./span>
How do I make my announcements visible in canvas?
How do I show recent announcements in the Course Home Page?
- Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
- Open Course Details. Click the Course Details tab.
- Open More Options. Click the more options link.
- Show Recent Announcements.
- Select Number of Announcements.
- Update Course Details.
What does the U mean in canvas announcements?
A profile picture displaying the letter U in place of a user’s profile picture indicates that an announcement was imported using a course copy, the Course Import Tool, or a blueprint course. Additionally, copied announcements do not include a posted date and time./span>
How do you like an announcement on canvas as a student?
How do I allow students to like replies in a course announcement?
- Open Announcements. In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.
- Allow Liking. Click the Allow liking checkbox.
- Set Liking Options. You can also select two additional options when allowing announcement likes.
- Save Announcement. Click the Save button.
How do I archive an announcement in canvas?
(1) On the edit screen check the box next to Delay posting and set a delay date when the announcement should appear to students. (2) Be sure to click Save when done. Please note that all announcements will display to the instructor but will not display for students in the announcement list until the delay date passes.
How do students see announcements in canvas?
The Announcements Index Page allows you to view and filter announcements in your course. You can also receive new announcements via Canvas notifications,view announcements on the Recent Activity Dashboard, or view announcements in the To Do list./span>
How do I change my canvas notifications?
To manage notifications for specific course features, click the notification icon for the notification method [1]. You can select how often you want to receive notifications for the course. Options include Notify immediately [2], Daily summary [3], Weekly summary [4], or Notifications off [5]./span>
What browser should you use with canvas?
What is default notification type?
By default, notifications are on for all apps. The Notifications screen shows you the apps for the most recently sent notifications. Tap the link to See All From Last 7 Days to see more notifications. Turn off the switch for any apps for which you don’t want to receive notifications (Figure A)./span>
What are the three common ways to communicate with your instructors and peers in canvas?
Communicating with Teachers and Classmates
- Announcements – you can easily make comments back to your instructor should s/he make an announcement that you have questions about.
- Discussions – work very similarly to Facebook.
- Canvas Messaging (Inbox) – conversations are sent via Canvas using whatever notification preferences you have set up.
How do you communicate with your instructor and classmates?
When communicating with instructors and other staff, you should write in full, grammatically correct sentences and with a respectful tone….Netiquette
- Include a subject line.
- Avoid sarcasm.
- Acknowledge and return messages promptly.
- Use appropriate language.
- Use appropriate intensifiers to help convey meaning.
What browser should you use with canvas quizlet?
Can professors see your messages on canvas?
@harry_rubin , instructors are not notified and do not see conversation messages between students. In that sense, they are private. However, Canvas admins at your institution could access messages in a student’s account, and just like anything else, messages can be captured with a screenshot and shared./span>
Can professors see if you cheat on canvas?
Canvas by itself cannot monitor screen sharing. Professors can only tell when students log into Canvas and what files they have opened. Lecturers can however avoid screen sharing by directing that the Canvas windows be on top through the entire exam session./span>
Can professors see private messages in zoom?
With college students bracing for another semester of online learning, another fear has bubbled up: that professors can read any direct message sent on the platform, even between two students. Zoom’s website states, “Private messages between participants are not viewable by the host.”/span>