What is the answer to how much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
Here’s a totally worthless – yet interesting – groundhog fact that shows how extensive a groundhog’s burrow is and, at the same time, answers that age-old question: “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” If by “chucking wood” you mean moving wood, the answer is about 700 pounds.
What poison will kill a groundhog?
Does Irish Spring soap keep groundhogs away?
Dial deodorant soap, and Irish Spring soap contains “tallow” which repels deer. Drill holes in the soap so that you can run a string through the soap to hang them from trees, or the fence erected to get rid of groundhogs. Plan on one bar of soap for every three feet.
Do moth balls keep groundhogs away?
Groundhogs hate the smell of mothballs, but the truth is, they are just not strong enough to scare these rodents away. In brief, mothballs are not a strong deterrence against groundhogs, and you would be wise to use more effective methods, such as trapping or spraying ammonia.
How many groundhogs live in a burrow?
The average groundhog excavates over 700 pounds of dirt digging just one den, and a single groundhog may have four or or five dens scattered across its territory, moving in and out of them as crops and weather change.
Does baking soda kill groundhogs?
Unfortunately, as there are mixtures like baking soda and confectioner sugar with a dash of water that can rid your property of ants, there are no kitchen solution remedies to get rid of groundhogs. You can create lethal traps meant to kill groundhogs.
Does human urine get rid of groundhogs?
Groundhogs do not like the smell of human urine. A gross, but highly effective repellent is to collect urine in milk jugs and pour a bit at the entrance to the burrow every few days.
Are groundhogs aggressive towards humans?
Though groundhogs don’t typically attack people, groundhog-human interactions are common.
Will a groundhog attack a cat?
Groundhogs. If your cat has access to grounds where a forest and a field meet, there’s a higher change they’ll encounter a groundhog. While these animals aren’t likely to go out of their way to attack a cat, their sharp teeth and claws can do damage.
Do groundhogs scream?
Groundhogs will sleep in their burrows, raise their young there, and hibernate through the winter. The name whistle-pig comes from the high-pitched scream the animals will give to warn the other members of their colony when danger is around.
How many babies do groundhogs have?
2-4 kits
How long does a groundhog live?
six years