How do you say wrong answers?

How do you say wrong answers?

wrong answer / synonyms

  1. incorrect answer. n.
  2. wrong response. adj. & n.
  3. bad answer. adj. & n.
  4. incorrect response. n.
  5. wrong key. n.
  6. bad reaction. n.
  7. dishonest answer. n. & adj.
  8. false answer. n.

What is it called when u answer a question with a question?

The word is maieutics, also known as the Socratic method, answering a question with a question, often to invoke more thought into the questioner, to answer the questions they ask themselves.

What is a wrong question?

In this case, “the wrong question” means I am thinking of a specific question — the right question — and this isn’t it. Meanwhile “a good point” means I have no particular point in mind, so the point you made is one of many possible “good points”.

How do you respond when someone answers your question?

Good manners says to say thank you when somebody answers your question. E-mail load control suggests not replying “thanks” because it’s too much e-mail and people would rather have less. I’m not sure what StackOverflow expects. I got an e-mail notification today “3 Questions Have 1 Answer – Stack Overflow”.

Who correctly answered to yaksha’s question?


Is saying OK rude?

Gretchen McCulloch, an internet linguist and author of the upcoming book Because Internet, said OK is not inherently rude but the length of a reply matters. “Anything that’s shorter can sound curter, anything that’s longer can sound more polite,” McCulloch said.

Is sending K rude?

According to the first page of Google results about ‘texting K’, society views receiving this message as akin to a one-letter insult. It’s seen as something that we send when we’re mad, frustrated, or otherwise want to put an end to a conversation. “K” is rude, dismissive, or cold.

Why do guys give one word answers?

The One-Word Response Men do not always realize how single words and phrases sent in a hurry can be misinterpreted and even come across as disrespectful. The simple answer is that we usually are trying to save time or are in the middle of something.

What does it mean if a guy says OK?

He is frustrated about something and wants his time. A lot of pressure by you about any subject could make him lose his interest in the conversation. Could just be a quick answer due to things he has to do after. A lot of people don’t give too much thought to their answers so some times its nothing(most times)

What do 1 word texts mean?

A one word text implies she either doesn’t want to text right then, she doesn’t want to text you, or she is trying to play games and see how desperate you are/doesnt know what to say. no matter what the situation, you’re better off not texting.

How can I tell if a guy likes me?

14 Subtle Signs a Guy Really Likes You

  • He asks you questions to see if you’re available.
  • He makes lots of eye contact when you speak.
  • He slows his walking pace to meet yours.
  • He’s always telling you jokes.
  • He offers to help you out.
  • He turns his body toward you.
  • His friends try to leave the two of you alone.

How do you tell if a guy wants to date you or just sleep with you?

  1. He only notices how you look.
  2. Conversations always turns sexual.
  3. Texts and emails are flirty and sexual.
  4. Dates are pizza at your place.
  5. Their idea of entertainment is watching a movie or listening to music.
  6. He gets angry if you don’t want to have sex.
  7. Hug, kiss and then straight to your bedroom.

How do you tell if someone doesn’t care about you?

Emotionally Detached? 15 Signs They Don’t Really Care About You

  1. How to know someone is emotionally detached.
  2. #1 They’re not compromising. They only do what they want to do.
  3. #2 You find yourself bashing them.
  4. #3 They find flaws in you.
  5. #4 They’re too nosy.
  6. #5 They don’t argue with you.
  7. #6 If they do, it’s all your fault.
  8. #7 They’re inconsiderate.

How can you tell if someone doesn’t love you?

When someone doesn’t truly love us, however, there are a number of concrete signs that could signal the end and a bright new beginning.

  1. Empty words.
  2. General unconcern.
  3. Demeaning or insulting.
  4. Failure of trust.
  5. Social isolation.
  6. Zero support.
  7. Serious uncertainty.
  8. Too much people pleasing.

How do you tell if someone actually loves you?

You can usually recognize real love by these 12 signs.

  1. You feel safe with them.
  2. They listen.
  3. They acknowledge your differences instead of trying to change you.
  4. You can communicate easily.
  5. They encourage you to do your own thing.
  6. You trust each other.
  7. They make an effort.
  8. You know you can collaborate or compromise.

What is the true sign of love?

True love includes respect, admiration, care, and never subjecting your partner to hurt, humiliation or any form of abuse. Many assume they are in love whereas it may just be an infatuation, a one-sided feeling, or just close friendship.

Can you love 2 people at the same time?

“You can absolutely fall in love with two people at the same time,” he says. “Walt Whitman was right — you contain multitudes. Someone might bring out your confident, sexy side and you’ll love them for it. A second person might make you feel safe, loved and deeply connected, and you’ll also fall for that person.

Why is walking away so powerful?

Why is walking away so powerful? Walking out of a situation is powerful because you’re passing a message that you deserve better than an unhealthy relationship unless things change. Keeping your distance will push the other party to either change or accept you walking out.

Is it better to love or to be loved?

When you love someone, it makes you want to be a better person. You want to be the best you can be to feel worthy of his or her love. The sensation of being in love transcends space and time. It is better to love than be loved.

Does caring mean love?

Caring is The Synonym Of Love (Not According to English,But According to feeling). If You Love Someone Then You Will Definitely Take Care of Her And If You Take Care of Someone Then You Will Surely Love Her.

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