What term defines the income paid to the owner of land labor or capital in return for productive service?

What term defines the income paid to the owner of land labor or capital in return for productive service?

Answer Expert Verified A wage, interest, rent, and profit payment for the services of scarce resources, or the factors of production (labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship), in return for productive services is called a factor payment.

What is the income earned by Labour called?


What is the factor payment for land?

The factor payment made for land is rent, that. for labor is wages and salaries and for capital is interest and dividends.

What is land labor capital and entrepreneurship?

Land refers to natural resources, labor refers to work effort, and capital is anything made that is used to make something else. The last resource, entrepreneurship, refers to the ability to put the other three resources together to create value.

What are the 4 economic systems?

Economic systems can be categorized into four main types: traditional economies, command economies, mixed economies, and market economies.

What are the four factors of productivity?

Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. The first factor of production is land, but this includes any natural resource used to produce goods and services.

Who owns the factors of production?

In a simplified model of an economy, known as a circular flow diagram, households own the factors of production. They sell or lend these factors to firms, which produce goods and services that households buy. Under this theoretical model, firms do not own the factors of production.

What are the 6 factors of production?

Terms in this set (6)

  • natural resources. everything that is made of natural materials.
  • raw materials. any good used in manufactoring other goods.
  • labour. all physical and mental work needed to produce goods or services.
  • capital.
  • information.
  • entrepreneurship.

Which is the most abundant factor of production?


What are the factors of production and their rewards?

When factors are used they earn a reward called a factor ‘income’. Factor incomes are: rent, wages, interest and profit. In basic economic theory, the more scarce and essential the factor the greater the reward. Factors can be substituted when possible, and this affects the relative reward.

What are the 5 basic economic questions?

Economic systems are ways that countries answer the 5 fundamental questions:

  • What will be produced?
  • How will goods and services be produced?
  • Who will get the output?
  • How will the system accommodate change?
  • How will the system promote progress?

What are the biggest economic problems in the world?

Economic issues facing the world economy, as well as regions and countries, include prospects for growth, inflation, energy and the environment, inequality, labor issues, emerging markets, and the impact of new technologies.

What are the 2 big economic questions?

Two big economic questions (A) How do choices end up determining what, how and for whom goods and services are produced?

What are the 5 main economic goals?

Key Content: National economic goals include: efficiency, equity, economic freedom, full employment, economic growth, security, and stability.

What are the 8 goals of all economic systems?

ECONOMIC GOALS The following is a list of the major economic goals: 1) economic growth, 2) price level stability, 3) economic efficiency, 4) full employment, 5) balanced trade, 6) economic security, 7) equitable distribution of income, and 8) economic freedom.

What is the most important economic goal?

Full employment, stability, and economic growth are the three macroeconomic goals most relevant to the aggregate economy and consequently are of prime importance to the study of macroeconomics.

What were Adam Smith’s three laws of economics?

What were Adam Smith’s three natural laws of economics? the law of self-interest—People work for their own good. the law of competition—Competition forces people to make a better product. lowest possible price to meet demand in a market economy.

Who invented economics?

Adam Smith

Who is the famous economist?

1John Maynard Keynes (1882-1946) As the most influential economist since 1900, some would argue in history, Keynes’ influence is difficult to overstate.

Who is the best economist in world?

The rankings

Rank Author Score
1 Andrei Shleifer Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) 3.15
2 James J. Heckman Department of Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (USA) 4.22

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