How do I know what electives to take?
9 Things No One Tells You About Choosing College Electives
- There’s no one size fits all.
- Take electives after you have satisfied your required courses.
- Take advantage of your interests and strengths.
- Free electives are the most flexible.
- Area of study electives can enhance your selected field of study.
- Consider area of study electives that focus on a specific discipline.
What are examples of elective classes?
If you need inspiration, check out this list of over 80 different elective course possibilities—but we’ve only scratched the surface here!
- Business. Accounting.
- Communication. Creative writing.
- Computer. Computer applications.
- Fine Arts. Visual arts:
- Health. CPR training.
- Life Skills. Auto mechanics.
- Physical Education.
- Religion.
What classes do I need for my basics?
College basics are the core courses required of every student regardless of their major. They typically include English, math, science, history, humanities, social science, etc.
What is the 7 course pattern?
The seven-course pattern is a subset of the IGETC pattern which means students will be prepared to meet the junior transfer admission requirements. Determine if completion of the full UC IGETC pattern (or IGETC for STEM) is a good option for a student.
What grade 11 courses should I take?
In grade 11, the courses needed for graduation are:
- a Language Arts 11.
- Social Studies 11 or 12.
- Mathematics 11 or 12.
- a Science 11 or 12.
- a Fine Arts and/or an Applied Skills 10, 11, or 12, OR.
- one or two electives from grade 10 – 12.
Why is Grade 11 so important?
Your grade 11 marks and overall performance during this year can help you make better decisions. You have more options to consider when it comes to what direction you would like to take after high school. This includes where and what you want to study.
Is taking all 3 Sciences hard?
Taking all 3 sciences is hard and stressful if: 1. you aren’t hardworking and committed to put in enough effort to study them.
Is physics grade 11 hard?
Grade 11 physics can be a rigorous course of study, combining concepts covered in both math and science in previous years to create new challenges that are unique to the subject.
Should I take chemistry or physics first in high school?
Most likely, you’ll be required to take biology and chemistry your first two years of high school. You should take physics your junior year if any of the following apply to you: You are confident in your math and science abilities. You plan on majoring in math, engineering, or science in college.
Which science is hardest?
The Hardest Science Majors
- Chemistry. Students majoring in chemistry study the elements that make up the world—investigating their properties and how they interact, combine, and change.
- Neuroscience.
- Astronomy and Astrophysics.
What science do 12th graders take?
12th Grade Curriculum
Subjects | Classes |
Mathematics | Algebra 2 or Precalculus or Statistics |
Science | Physics or Science Elective |
Social Studies | Economics |
General Elective | Fine Arts/Music Technology/Computer Science/Physical Education |
Is 12th grade easy?
12th grade is very easy tons of elective classes of nothingness. It’s very easy compared to 9th. I’m only going to have to take 3 classes as a senior. Second half of your senior year is the best if you are going to college (or all of it if not).
Is Algebra 2 hard in high school?
Students had been shuffled up through Algebra with weak Arithmetic [fractions, exponents] and algebraic manipulation skills. Algebra 2 in college is typically a one semester course rather than one year as in high school. Algebra 2 is much harder, and the hardest unit in that class is Log.
Is Grade 12 data management hard?
Grade 12 Data Management does require logic along with some pattern skills and most student believe it to be the most easiest and interesting math because it’s less theoretical than other branches of mathematics like Advanced Functions and Calculus.
What is calculus and vectors Grade 12?
Grade 12 Calculus & Vectors (MCV4U) builds on students’ previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rates of change. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics.
Is Data Management harder than calculus?
In terms of getting a good mark for university acceptance, people tend to find data management to be easier than calculus. If you can get the marks, you’d be better served taking calculus since most of your math courses will be continuations of it.
What do Grade 12 data managers learn?
MDM4U Grade 12 Data Management Math Course Description Students will apply methods for organizing and analysing large amounts of information; solve problems involving probability and statistics; and carry out a culminating investigation that integrates statistical concepts and skills.
How difficult is calculus?
Calculus is actually quite easy, there are some concepts which take some sinking in (limits being the main one) but it’s not difficult. The reason people struggle with calculus is always because they didn’t actually master algebra and trig beforehand.
Is calculus easier than advanced functions?
Advanced Functions and Calculus are a lot harder than Data. Data is just all stats, very easy. Also an 80 in advanced functions is really good.
What is the hardest unit in Grade 12 chemistry?
Organic chem is probably the hardest.
Which is harder calculus or physics?
Hands down, physics is harder than calculus. The reason is simple, for physics, you need to have rigorous understanding in both physics concepts and calculus itself. Meanwhile, if you learn calculus, you might (only) need to master the concept of calculus.
Is advanced functions a prerequisite for calculus?
Prerequisite: The Advanced Functions course (MHF4U) must be taken prior to or concurrently with Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U).