How do I change the shutter speed on my Nikon?

How do I change the shutter speed on my Nikon?

Rotate the mode dial to M. Shutter speed is selected by rotating the command dial (right for faster speeds, left for slower). 03. To adjust aperture, keep the Adjusting Aperture button pressed while rotating the command dial (left for larger apertures/lower f-numbers and right for smaller apertures/higher f-numbers).

How do I change the shutter speed on my Iphone?

To change the shutter speed, tap on the Shutter Speed/ISO icon above the shutter button. The Shutter Speed slider will appear. Drag the slider left or right to adjust the shutter speed.

How do you take good pictures of the moon with an iPhone?

Photograph the Moon on your iPhone with NightCap Camera

  1. Magnification will really help! The iPhone camera has a fairly wide angle lens, which helps in most situations but makes the moon look even smaller than it is.
  2. Turn down ISO. The reason the moon is hard to photograph is that it’s actually very bright, but surrounded by very dark sky.
  3. Adjust exposure.
  4. Focusing.

What is the best setting for moon photography?

To get a great Moon shot and little else, set your camera to ISO 100 or ISO 200 and the aperture to between f/5.6 and f/11, and adjust your shutter speed to between 1/125sec and 1/250sec.

How do I shoot the moon with my phone?

If your Android phone or tablet has a telephoto lens, your best bet is to use that one instead of the wide-angle lens to focus on the Moon. Use your camera’s built-in camera app to adjust the shutter speed until the Moon looks properly exposed.

What are the best cards to pass in hearts?

Aces are the best cards to pass to the left. The reason for this is that aces are the most likely cards to win tricks, and you want the player to your left to win tricks. If she does, she will lead the next trick, allowing you to play last in the trick, so you can see exactly what to play.

What is the Jack of Diamonds rule in hearts?

In a common variation, the jack of diamonds subtracts ten points (although this is not a universal rule). However, if one player can succeed in getting all the cards that carry points – all the hearts plus the queen of spades — that player gets no points, and every other player gets 26 points.

Can you play the queen of spades before hearts are broken?

However, there are certain restrictions when it comes to playing the Queen of Spades or the Hearts: You can not play a Heart or a Queen of Spades on the first trick, even if you don’t have any Clubs. You cannot lead a Heart, before “Breaking Hearts” occurs.

Can you pass the 2 of clubs in hearts?

Pass the 2 of Clubs No penalty card can be played in it, and if you are leading next you can choose what suit to be played after that. If you possess the 2 of Clubs in your hand that is simply not possible.

Do you need the Jack of Diamonds to shoot the moon?

If you allow shooting the moon, you generally don’t need to take the Jack of Diamonds to shoot the moon, but some versions of the game require that you win this card, too. For example, capturing the 10 of Clubs and three heart cards costs you 6 points, not 3.

Can Spades be broken on the first hand?

The player to the dealer’s left plays first (“leads”). He may not lead with a spade unless his hand only includes spades. In fact, unless a player has no option, spades may never be led until the suit is “broken” (see below).

What is the penalty for underbidding in spades?

Underbidding: A team that takes less tricks than they bid will be penalized 10 points for each trick they bid. Example: a team bids 7 tricks and takes 5 tricks; the team will be penalized 70 points.

Can you throw your hand in if you have no spades?

Related to Whiz, each player must bid the number of spades in their hand. Players do not have the option to go Nil unless they have no Spades and must bid Nil if this is the case. Bags are counted as normal.

Can you lead with spades?

Spades cannot be led unless played previously or player to lead has nothing but Spades in his hand.

Can you throw off suit in spades?

You can throw out any card of any suit EXCEPT SPADES, remember, you can’t throw out spades until someone CUTS.

How do you win at spades every time?

Take your tricks early, and take tricks with only the cards you intend to. taking extra tricks usually result in bags. However, if someone trumped your king of diamonds, you better win another trick. If you don’t have the Ace of Spades, but have the King and/or Queen, try to force the player with the Ace to play it.

Can you force a renege in spades?

Spades can be played at any time. 15. “A card laid is a card played!” and cannot be picked up unless you put the wrong suite down. You cannot force a renege.

Is reneging in spades cheating?

Reneging is considered cheating and penalized if proven occurred. If a team challenges reneging has occurred they must identify which book on the table the player did not follow suit. The losing team of the renege challenge is typically penalized 3 books.

What happens if you get all 13 tricks in spades?

For a non-blind bid of 10, the team scores 200 points if they take 10, 11 or 12 tricks. If they bid 10 and win all 13 tricks they win the whole game. If they take fewer than 10 tricks they lose 200. A team that takes all 13 tricks, known as a Boston, also gains “bragging rights”.

What happens when you get 10 books in spades?

If a team makes or exceeds their combined bid, they are awarded 10 points per bid. If a team collects 10 bags across hands, a penalty of 100 points is subtracted from their score. This penalty can be turned off in practice and join games (see Spades House Rules Options, below).

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