What is the most intelligent word?

What is the most intelligent word?

11 Words That Will Make You Sound Super Smart

  • 1) “Paradoxically,” said Lee Enry Erickson.
  • 2) “Oxymoron,” said Maria Regina Encarnação.
  • 3) “Ennui,” said Mayda Tapanes.
  • 4) “Beleaguered,” said Cindy Jarrett, who added “plethora” and “oligarchy” as well.
  • 5) “Exacerbate,” said Ginger Amelia Perry.
  • 6) “Didactic,” said Kat Wood.
  • 7) “Anathema,” said Suzanne Fluhr.

How do you prove you are smart?

18 Ways to Showcase Your Intelligence

  1. Amp up your people skills.
  2. Make a good first impression.
  3. Ask thought-provoking questions.
  4. Be skilled at making small talk.
  5. Keep something to read handy.
  6. Dress for success.
  7. Use hand gestures to emphasize key points.
  8. Wear glasses.

How do you develop emotional maturity?

10 habits to achieve emotional maturity

  1. Step One: Rehearse reaching your goals.
  2. Step Two: Daily affirmations keep your eye on the prize.
  3. Step Three: Set healthy boundaries.
  4. Step Four: Learning to pause.
  5. Step Six: Infuse emotional maturity into your work.
  6. Step Seven: Behavioral growth.

What is emotional maturity and examples?

Those with emotional maturity can admit when they need help or when they’re burning out. For example, you’ll acknowledge when you need a break and know when to ask your boss for a day off. You’re also able to clearly communicate with your partner for more help around the house.

How do you know if someone is emotionally immature?

Here’s a look at some signs of emotional immaturity that can show up in a relationship and steps you can take if you recognize them in your own.

  • They won’t go deep.
  • Everything is about them.
  • They become defensive.
  • They have commitment issues.
  • They don’t own their mistakes.
  • You feel more alone than ever.

Is blocking immature?

If you are blocking someone over a minor disagreement and you don’t want to talk to them for two years then yes that is immature. If you block someone to be vindictive and spiteful then you are immature. However if the person in question harasses or treats you badly then it is ok to block.

Are Narcissists immature?

Adult narcissists tend to display these immature, childish tendencies, of lack of empathy for others, sadistic streaks, a cruel immature sense of humour, and destructive tendencies to unwitting people. A two year old’s world revolves around him. He is the most important person in the world.

What do older guys like in bed?

Playfulness. One thing that can be fun to indulge when in bed with older men is their love of playfulness. Having got to 50 or above, they tend to know what things should be taken seriously in life, and what shouldn’t. While sex can be all about passion, it’s a good experience to make fun too.

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