How do you indicate equal authorship?

How do you indicate equal authorship?

The equal contributions footnote specifies if two or more authors contributed to the manuscript equally. It would appear under the author byline on the PDF. If only some of the authors have the equal contribution designation, the footnote will say, “These authors contributed equally”.

How do you list authors contributions?

You need to create a list assigning a person’s name against the following roles or tasks:

  1. Conception or design of the work.
  2. Data collection.
  3. Data analysis and interpretation.
  4. Drafting the article.
  5. Critical revision of the article.
  6. Final approval of the version to be published.

What is meant by H index?

The h index is a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author’s scholarly output and performance; measures quantity with quality by comparing publications to citations. The h index corrects for the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications or publications that have not yet been cited.

How do I calculate my h-index?

Your h-index is based on a list of your publications ranked in descending order by the Times Cited count. The value of h is equal to the number of papers (N) in the list that have N or more citations.

What is a good h index for full professor?

We found that, on average, assistant professors have an h-index of 2-5, associate professors 6-10, and full professors 12-24. These are mean or median values only—the distribution of values at each rank is very wide. If you hope to win a Nobel Prize, your h-index should be at least 35 and preferably closer to 70.

How many publications does a senior lecturer have?

If possible, publish before your viva There is one part of your CV that future employers will always jump to: the publications section. The general rule of thumb in our department is to aim for two papers before your viva – although this can vary according to your subject.

Do blog posts count as publications?

Is work considered previously published if I post it on a blog, Web site, large social-networking site, or online literary journal? If you’ve posted your writing on any of the above sites, it is generally considered previously published.

Does Self Publishing count as being published?

There’s no doubt that calling yourself a published author isn’t what it used to be. But, to be fair, being published by an established publishing house doesn’t ensure that you wrote a quality work or that it will be a critical or sales success (I can speak to the latter point!).

Are blogs publications?

Your blog is a library, not a publication.

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