What network design would contain the scope of disruption?

What network design would contain the scope of disruption?

What network design would contain the scope of disruptions on a network should a failure occur? Explanation: One way to contain the impact of a failure on the network is to implement redundancy.

What are two functions of a router choose two?

What are two functions of a router? (Choose two.)

  • It controls the flow of data via the use of Layer 2 addresses.
  • It provides segmentation at Layer 2.
  • A router connects multiple IP networks.
  • It determines the best path to send packets.
  • It builds a routing table based on ARP requests.

Which two functions of the router are primary?

Answers Explanation & Hints: A router accepts a packet and accesses its routing table to determine the appropriate exit interface based on the destination address. The router then forwards the packet out of that interface.

What are 3 types of wireless connections?

There are basically three different types of wireless networks – WAN, LAN and PAN: Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN): WWANs are created through the use of mobile phone signals typically provided and maintained by specific mobile phone (cellular) service providers.

What is main function of router?

A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets.

How do routers determine the best path?

A primary function of a router is to determine the best path to use to send packets. To determine the best path, the router searches its routing table for a network address that matches the destination IP address of the packet.

How can I use only one path when a router has two equal cost paths?

How can I use only one path when a router has two equal cost paths? A. Configure the bandwidth value on the interfaces to default, and increase the delay on the backup interface so that the router does not see two equal cost paths.

What protocol will the routers use to determine the most optimal path to forward the traffic?

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

What metric is used by OSPF to determine the best path?

Like EIGRP, OSPF bases its metric by default on link bandwidth, so that OSPF makes a better choice than simply relying on the router hop-count metric used by RIP. But OSPF uses much different internal logic, being a link-state routing protocol rather than a distance vector protocol.

How does OSPF calculate the best path?

If there are multiple routes to a network with the same route type, the OSPF metric calculated as cost based on the bandwidth is used for selecting the best route. The route with the lowest value for cost is chosen as the best route.

How does OSPF use cost to determine best path?

OSPF uses SPT tree to calculate the best route for routing table. SPF algorithm calculates all possible routes from source router to destination network. Cumulative cost is the sum of the all costs of the outgoing OSPF interfaces in the path.

How does BGP choose the best path?

If there are no specific settings that can affect the outcome, BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm determines the best route by selecting the shortest path to the destination. An Autonomous System is a single network or a set of networks and routers, which are under the control of one administrative entity.

What are the two most important BGP attributes?

BGP Attributes

  • Well-known mandatory: Must be recognized by all BGP routers, present in all BGP updates, and passed on to other BGP routers.
  • Well-known discretionary: Must be recognized by all BGP routers and passed on to other BGP routers but need not be present in an update, for example, local preference.

What is the use of BGP Best Path community ignore command?

BGP cost communities are a non-standardized type of non-transitive extended BGP community that allow for arbitrary customization of the BGP path selection process. Cost communities can be ignored with the command bgp bestpath cost-community ignore .

Why is BGP preferred over Ibgp?

The topmost criteria for BGP path selection is Administrative distance. So if a route is learnt over eBGP and iBGP at the same time, the routes learnt over eBGP take preference and make their way into the routing table, since it has a lower AD value of 20 as compared to the AD value of 200 for iBGP.

Why BGP is preferred over OSPF?

Scale: BGP is more flexible and scalable than OSPF and it is also used on a larger network. Preferred path: OSPF is used to determine the fastest route while BGP puts emphasis on determining the best path.

What is BGP Aigp?

The accumulated IGP (AIGP) metric attribute for BGP enables deployment in which a single administration can run several contiguous BGP ASs. Such deployments allow BGP to make routing decisions based on the IGP metric. In such networks, it is possible for BGP to select paths based on metrics as is done by IGPs.

What is the most preferred attribute for BGP?

We prefer the path with the highest local preference. The default value is 100. To learn more, take a look at the BGP local preference attribute lesson.

What are three well-known mandatory BGP attributes?

BGP Path Attributes

  • Well-Known Mandatory (for example: Origin, AS Path, and Next Hop)
  • Well-Known Discretionary (for example: Local Preference)
  • Optional Transitive (for example: Community)
  • Optional Non-Transitive (for example: Cluster List)

How does BGP use the next hop attribute?

The BGP nexthop attribute is the next hop IP address that is going to be used to reach a certain destination. For EBGP, the next hop is always the IP address of the neighbor specified in the neighbor command. For IBGP, the protocol states that the next hop advertised by EBGP should be carried into IBGP.

How do I set BGP priority?

Example: Configuring the BGP Output Priority Scheduler and Global Address Family Priority

  1. Requirements.
  2. Overview.
  3. Configuration.
  4. Configure Global Output Priorities for a Route Family.
  5. Configure a BGP Group Named test1.
  6. Verification.

What is BGP peer IP address?

Two routers that have established connection for exchanging BGP information, are referred to as BGP peers. Such BGP peers exchange routing information between them via BGP sessions that run over TCP, which is a reliable, connection oriented & error free protocol.

What are the steps to configure BGP?

Initialize the BGP process with the global command router bgp as-number. Step 2. Identify the BGP Neighbor’s IP address and Autonomous System Number. Identify the BGP neighbor’s IP address and autonomous system number with the BGP router configuration command neighbor ip-address remote-as as-number.

How do you influence BGP routes?

What are the steps of influencing a BGP route ?

  1. Local Preference: Local preference is used to choose the outbound external BGP path. Local preference is sent to all internal BGP routers in the autonomous system, and the path with the highest local preference is preferred.
  2. Weight: Weight is a Cisco-defined attribute that is local to a router.

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