What is the most important factor in determining a safe vessel speed on any given day?
According to the Navigation Rules the most important factor in determining safe vessel speed is? Traffic density. This can create a hazard in jet drive boats: Debris caught in the drive intake.
What actions must you take when in a narrow channel?
When approaching a narrow channel, stay to the starboard side and, using a prolonged blast, announce your approach to vessels that may be around the bend. When operating within a narrow channel, vessels must keep as near as is safe and practical to the outer limit of a narrow channel on their starboard side.
What is the rule for crossing vessels in a narrow channel?
Rule 9(e) (narrow channels): (i) in a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can only take place if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(c)(i).
What type of vessel has right-of-way in narrow channel?
If you are operating a power-driven vessel and are heading upstream, all power-driven vessels coming toward you from the opposite direction (heading downstream) have the right-of-way and you must give way.
What action should you take another powerboat approaches you from the port side?
Operating Rules – Keeping it Simple Port: If a power-driven boat approaches your boat from the port sector, maintain your course and speed with caution. You are the stand-on craft. Starboard: If any vessel approaches your boat from the starboard sector, you must keep out of its way. You are the give-way craft.
Is it legal to pee off a boat?
As I understand it, it is not ILLegal to pee off of your boat but NOT legal to dump any urine or fecal matter within the 3 mile limit or no-discharge-zones (NDZ) from a container or through your marine sanitation device (MSD).
How do boats get rid of human waste?
Most commonly, yachts will follow the same tactic as other ocean-faring vessels, in that they discharge waste directly into the oceans. Many of the modern vessels have holding tanks for human waste (black water), but wastewater (gray water) is usually evacuated into the ocean itself.
What hull shape is best?
Deep-V Hulls The opposite of a flat-bottom is a deep-V, which is wedge-shaped from bow to stern. This provides the smoothest ride in rough water, since the hull knifes cleanly through waves rather than pounding, which is why this design is so popular for offshore sportfishing boats.
Can you poop in Ocean?
If you live near the coast your treated sewage probably goes into the ocean. The treated sewage is cleaned to make sure that it does not cause environmental problems. It also should not make people sick if they swim in the river or ocean. Scientists test the water and the sewage wastes to make sure that it is OK.
Is urine considered sewage?
The primary environmental concern with your sewage is not the urine (which is basically sterile) , but the feces. Human feces contains bacteria, pathogens, and nutrients.
Where does human waste go after a sewage treatment plant?
What happens to the treated water when it leaves the wastewater treatment plant? The treated wastewater is released into local waterways where it’s used again for any number of purposes, such as supplying drinking water, irrigating crops, and sustaining aquatic life.
Is it OK to pee in a lake?
Adding urine to lake water can pose a health hazard and people should stick to their indoor facilities or an outhouse. As far as human health is concerned, while urine is usually sterile, it can carry bacterial infections, such as leptospirosis, which causes flu-like symptoms and can also lead to meningitis.