What do negative values for net torque mean?
Oh, torque can be positive or negative. Let us say that a positive torque would make a stationary object rotate counter clockwise and a negative torque would make it rotate clockwise.
Is a clockwise moment positive or negative?
The direction of a moment is opposite to the direction of the force. The convention is that: clockwise moments are positive.
Why is anticlockwise positive and clockwise negative?
Answer: Normally we take the positive X axis as reference. When moving UP (positive) the movement is in the anticlockwise direction. This is the logic behind taking anticlockwise as positive and clockwise as negative.
What means negative moment?
A bending moment that produces compression on the bottom side of a beam and tension on the top side.
Is it possible to have a negative moment?
Turning moment is calculated with respect to the force applied and distance from the point about which turning is to take place. So now as we can see that both force and distance can either be positive or zero but they can never be negative so moment CANNOT BE NEGATIVE. So moment CAN BE ZERO.
How do you know if a bending moment is negative?
Following our positive beam sign convention, a positive bending moment bends a beam concave upward (or towards the positive y direction), whereas a negative bending moment bends a beam concave downward (or towards the negative y direction).
Is attractive force negative?
In general when the force is attractive, the potential energy is negative and as shown above force will be negative. In case of repulsion, with the same argument, the force will be positive.
Why can a force be negative?
Yes, force can be negative. It means that the force is going to the opposite direction. So force A must be acting downwards, not upwards. A ‘negative’ force is one that is acting in the direction opposite to what you decide to be the positive direction (Usually, upward is +ve, downward is -ve).
Is the force of gravity negative?
The acceleration due to gravity is ALWAYS negative. Any object affected only by gravity (a projectile or an object in free fall) has an acceleration of -9.81 m/s2, regardless of the direction. The acceleration is negative when going up because the speed is decreasing.
Is gravity always repulsive?
In the case of gravity, mediated by spin 2 particles, charge is mass, which is always positive. Thus, q1q2 is always greater than zero, and gravity is always attractive. For spin 0 force mediators, however, there is no restriction on the charges and you can very well have repulsive forces.
Is acceleration 9.8 or 9.8 negative?
(2) The free-fall acceleration is negative—that is, downward on the y axis, toward Earth’s center—and so it has the value -g in the equations. The free-fall acceleration near Earth’s surface is a = -g = -9.8 m/s2, and the magnitude of the acceleration is g = 9.8 m/s2.