What is the correct order highest temperature on top for stellar classification?

What is the correct order highest temperature on top for stellar classification?

The seven main types are M, K, G, F, A, B and O. M stars are the coldest stars and O stars are the hottest.

What is the main sequence stage?

The main sequence is the stage where a star spends most of its existence. Relative to other stages in a star’s “life” it is extremely long; our Sun took about 20 million years to form but will spend about 10 billion years (1 × 1010 years) as a main sequence star before evolving into a red giant.

Which star spends the longest time as a main sequence star?

Science Chapter 26

Which kind of star is most likely to spend the longest time on the main sequence? a low-mass red star
Low-mass and medium-mass stars eventually turn into _______. white dwarfs
What is a spinning neutron star emitting radio waves? pulsar
The sun’s major source of fuel is _____. hydrogen

What is the biggest supergiant star?

VY Canis Majoris

What color is a giant star?


Is the sun a giant star?

In a few billion years, the sun will become a red giant so large that it will engulf our planet. The sun is currently classified as a “main sequence” star. This means that it is in the most stable part of its life, converting the hydrogen present in its core into helium.

What is a giant supergiant?

A star classed as a supergiant may have a diameter several hundred times that of the Sun and a luminosity nearly 1,000,000 times as great. Supergiants are tenuous stars, and their lifetimes are probably only a few million years, extremely short on the scale of stellar evolution.

Are supergiants rare?

Well known examples. Supergiants are rare and short-lived stars, but their high luminosity means that there are many naked-eye examples, including some of the brightest stars in the sky.

How do supergiants die?

All stars eventually run out of their hydrogen gas fuel and die. When a high-mass star has no hydrogen left to burn, it expands and becomes a red supergiant. While most stars quietly fade away, the supergiants destroy themselves in a huge explosion, called a supernova.

What stars have the shortest lifespan?

Life span: The most massive stars have the shortest lives. Stars that are 25 to 50 times that of the Sun live for only a few million years. They die so quickly because they burn massive amounts of nuclear fuel.

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