Which information did the Glomar Challenger study in 1968 quizlet?

Which information did the Glomar Challenger study in 1968 quizlet?

lithosphere colliding. Which information did the Glomar Challenger study in 1968? the age of rocks of various places in the ocean.

Which information did the Glomar Challenger study in 1968?

ANSWER: Glomar Challenger studies about the “age of rocks in various places in the ocean” in 1968. EXPLANATION: Glomar Challenger was a “deep sea research vessel” for marine geology and oceanography studies.

What was the Glomar Challenger equipped with?

For 25 years, the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) operated the Glomar Challenger, a research ship 400 feet (122 meters) in length that was equipped with a drilling platform and scientific laboratories.

Was Glomar Challenger a successful mission?

Scrapping. After being operated for fifteen years, Glomar Challenger’s active duty was ended during November 1983 and she was later scrapped. Her successor, JOIDES Resolution, was launched during 1985. The ship was a success in collecting rock samples and helped to confirm the Messinian Salinity Crisis theory.

What is the Glomar Challenger known for?

Above: The Glomar Challenger was the first research vessel specifically designed in the late 1960s for the purpose of drilling into and taking core samples from the deep ocean floor.

What evidence did the Glomar Challenger find?

It investigated some 624 sites in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, not only revealing the presence of deep ocean salt domes (which themselves may indicate the presence of oil) but also supporting the theory of plate tectonics by providing evidence of continental drift and seafloor renewal.

Why were cores drilled in the sea floor from the Glomar Challenger?

One of the most important discoveries was made during Leg 3. The crew drilled 17 holes at 10 different sites along a oceanic ridge between South America and Africa. The core samples retrieved provided definitive proof for continential drift and seafloor renewal at rift zones.

Where is new ocean floor formed?

mid-ocean ridges

Can you get diamonds in floating islands?

Ocean biomes created using Floating Islands generation spawn with lots of floating water in the shape of caves. If used with Floating Islands world generation, diamond and redstone ores are extremely hard to spawn as few islands reach down as far as Y=15 [verify], the topmost level at which these ores spawn.

What’s the difference between an isle and an island?

In practice there is no difference, they can be used interchangeably, but isle is archaic. Anything called isle can also be referred to as an island.

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