Are Finns Nordic or Slavic?

Are Finns Nordic or Slavic?

Finns are North Europeans, closely related to Estonians and Swedes-Norwegians, but also to North Russian and Baltic people. Via N male ancestry, which is Finnic. They are neither Slavic nor Scandinavian but because of Finland’s close history to Sweden, they are most likely closer to Scandinavian.

What would happen if Japan didn’t join the Axis?

If Japan didn’t join AXIS, the Tripartite Pact wasn’t existed and Italy wouldn’t be any burden for the Germans. More importantly, Gemany would never declare war to United States in 1941 which means Germany were only fighting with Soviet and Allies(without USA). all of germany is communist, rather than just half of it.

How bad was the Italian army in ww2?

Casualties. Nearly four million Italians served in the Italian Royal Army during the Second World War. Nearly one half of a million Italians (including civilians) died between June 1940 and May 1945. The Royal Army suffered 161,729 casualties between 10 June 1940 and 8 September 1943 in the war against the Allies.

Why could Austria-Hungary not defeat Italy?

While being a member of the Triple Alliance which consisted of Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany, Italy did not declare war in August 1914, arguing that the Triple Alliance was defensive in nature and therefore Austria-Hungary’s aggression did not oblige Italy to take part.

What side was Japan on in ww1?

Japan entered the war on the side of the Allies on 23 August 1914, seizing the opportunity of Imperial Germany’s distraction with the European War to expand its sphere of influence in China and the Pacific. There was minimal fighting.

Why did Japan declare war on Germany in WW1?

Japan has declared war on Germany. The Emperor of Japan has said that the activities of Germany in the Far East, including ‘warlike preparations’ that threaten Japanese commerce, were the cause of the war, as well as their desire to stand by their British ally.

How many died in WW1 total?

20 million deaths

How many soldiers did Japan have in WW1?

Around five thousand German troops faced a Japanese ground force of nearly 50,000 men, together with a British contingent of about 1,500 soldiers.

How big was Japan’s army in ww2?


Who was in control of Japan at first?

Empire of Japan

Empire of Japan 大日本帝國 Dai Nippon Teikoku or Dai Nihon Teikoku
• 1926–1947 Shōwa
Prime Minister
• 1885–1888 (first) Itō Hirobumi
• 1946–1947 (last) Shigeru Yoshida

Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbour?

Destroying the Base at Pearl Harbor Would Mean Japan Controlled the Pacific. In May 1940, the United States had made Pearl Harbor the main base for its Pacific Fleet. The Japanese bombers missed oil tanks, ammunition sites and repair facilities, and not a single U.S. aircraft carrier was present during the attack.

Who gained control of Japan in the 1930’s?

In the 1920s the parliament’s power gradually expanded, but in the 1930s the Japanese military asserted control over all other branches of government and led the country to war against China and the Allied Powers.

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