What can cause a population to be in a uniform distribution?
Uniform patterns of dispersion are generally a result of interactions between individuals like competition and territoriality. Clumped patterns usually occur when resources are concentrated in small areas within a larger habitat or because of individuals forming social groups.
What are the factors for population distribution?
The main factors determining population distribution are : climate, landforms, topography, soil, energy and mineral resources, accessibility like distance from sea coast, natural harbours, navigable rivers or canals, cultural factors, political boundaries, controls on migration and trade, government policies, types of …
What is population change for Class 8?
Population change refers to the change in the number of people due to birth, death and migration during a specific time. Life expectancy is the number of years that an average person can expect to live. The major cause of the sudden change in the world’s population is the imbalance in the birth rate and the death rate.
What is called population change?
Population change, defined generally, is the difference in the size of a population between the end and the beginning of a given time period (usually one year). Specifically, it is the difference in population size on 1 January of two consecutive years.
What is bandanna short answer?
What is bandanna? Answer. Bandannas are any brightly coloured and printed scarf for the neck or head. Originally, the term derived from the word “bandhna” (Hindi for tying) and referred to a variety of brightly coloured cloth produced through a method of tying and dying.
What is meant by muslin class 8?
Take the case of muslin—a word that refers to any finely woven textile. This word is a derivative of the city of Mosul (in present-day Iraq). When the Portuguese first came to India, they landed in Calicut, and the cotton textiles that they took along with them to Europe came to be called calico.
What is the meaning of bandanna?
What does bandanna mean? A bandanna is a type of large handkerchief, usually patterned and brightly colored. While used for many purposes, bandannas are commonly worn on the head, to hold back hair or absorb sweat, or around the neck to protect it from the sun.
What were factories Class 8?
The trading centres set up by the European companies were known as factories. There were called factories not because anything was manufactured there but because the officials of the companies were called factors.
Who were Orientalists Class 8?
Orientalists are people who have scholarly knowledge of the culture and languages of Asia. Orientalists were mainly the British administrator historians who believed in the greatness of the Indian culture and opined that the Indians should be educated in their native and local languages.
Who was rangrez Class 8?
Rangrez were the dyer of thread for cotton textiles.
Who were rangrez Class 8?
The first stage of production was spinning. The charkha and the takli were household spinning instruments. For coloured textiles, the thread was dyed by the dyer, known as rangrez. For printed cloth the weavers needed the help of specialist block printers known as chhipi gars.
What was Calico Act Class 8?
The Calico Acts (1700, 1721) banned the import of most cotton textiles into England, followed by the restriction of sale of most cotton textiles. It was a form of economic protectionism, largely in response to India (particularly Bengal), which dominated world cotton textile markets at the time.
What became a symbol of nationalism 8?
Khadi gradually became a symbol of nationalism. The charkha came to represent India, and it was put at the centre of the tricolour flag of the Indian National Congress adopted in 1931.
What was the job of rangrez Class 8?
The job of a rangrez was to from Social Science Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners Class 8 Uttarakhand Board.
What was the process of cloth making class 8?
Question: Describe the process of cloth making. The first stage of production was spinning, i.e. work done mostly by women. The charkha and the takli were household spinning instruments. The thread was spun on the charkha and rolled on the takli. When the spinning was over the thread was woven into cloth by the weaver.
What do you mean by sanitation class 8?
Sanitation is measures taken up by the government to protect public health through proper solid waste disposal, sewage disposal, and cleanliness during food processing and preparation. Question 10.
What was the specialty of Tipu’s sword class 8?
Why was Tipu’s sword so special? The sword had an incredibly hard and sharp edge that could easily rip through the opponent’s armour. This quality of the sword came from a special type of high carbon steel called Wootz which was produced all over south India.