How long does it take to drive 120 miles at 60 mph?
It took Joe 2 hours to drive 120 miles at 60 mph, and it took 3 hours at 40 mph, giving us a total time of 5 hours. In the steps above we calculated total distance (120 miles + 120 miles = 240 miles), and we just found total time (5 hours).
How long does 200 miles take?
How long it takes to travel 200 miles depends on how fast you are going. If you are traveling at 45 mph, it will take 4.4 hours; at 60 mph, 3.3 hours; and at 75mph, 2.67 hours.
How long does it take to drive 200 miles at 50 mph?
4 hours at 50 mph is 200 miles plus, 5 miles per 6 minutes, times 4 will give you a total of 20 miles in 24 minutes.
How far is 200 miles in minutes?
Question 570963: If you go 75 MPH for 200 miles how long will it take to travel that distance? So it will take roughly 2.667 hours (or exactly 160 minutes).
How long does it take to drive 200 miles at 80 mph?
SOLUTION: How long will it take a train to travel 200 miles at the rate of 80 miles per hour? Use the formula D = rt. Question 746850: How long will it take a train to travel 200 miles at the rate of 80 miles per hour? = 2 hours 30 mins.
How long does it take to drive 500 miles?
7.14 hours not including gas, breakdowns, restroom breaks etc. You will probably average less than 70 mph with speed zones, construction, getting stuck behind slow vehicles. I would schedule 10 hours even though in a perfect world a little over 7 hours would be correct.
How long will it take to go 200 miles at 65 mph?
The answer 3 that you got means you were traveling for 3 hours at 65 miles per hour. The remainder 5 you got is the additional miles you need to travel to reach 200 miles.
How many hours is 400 miles?
The trip takes 5 hours and 43 minutes.
How long does it take to travel 200 miles on foot?
200 miles in 24 hours means you have to do 8.3 miles/hour, or one mile in 7.14 minutes.
How far can a person travel by foot in a day?
While your body is made for walking, the distance you can achieve at an average walking pace of 3.1 miles per hour depends on whether you have trained for it or not. A trained walker can walk a 26.2-mile marathon in eight hours or less, or walk 20 to 30 miles in a day.