How is the life in London?

How is the life in London?

Greater London has the highest average rent price in the UK at approximately 1,615 GBP (2,030 USD), while the average salary is approximately 35,500 GBP (43,300 USD). London is considered a very safe place to live, however, like in any city, bad things can happen.

Why do you like living in London?

Londoners may get a bad rep for being rude, moany and unsociable sometimes but the city and its people aren’t all that bad. The people are nice (I promise!) and London is a bustling, lively city where you’ll never get bored. The main reason to love living in London is that it is the greatest city in the world.

Why London is the best place to live?

London is vibrant culture. London is pure magic. One of the world’s most visited cities, London has something for everyone: from history and culture to fine food and exceedingly good times. With such diversity, London’s cultural dynamism makes it among the world’s most international cities.

How do I survive living in London?


  1. Stand on the right. When travelling in London, it is not acceptable to stand anywhere else on an escalator than the right.
  2. Go contactless.
  3. Don’t talk to strangers.
  4. Don’t dilly dally, especially with big stuff.
  5. Walk where possible.
  6. Tuesday morning is a big deal.
  7. Go green on sunny days.

Is living in London depressing?

So, to answer the question: Yes, living in London can be depressing. That said, your attitude will make all the difference for you. If you don’t let the superficial stuff get you down, there are a lot of advantages to living there.

What salary do you need to live comfortably in London?

To summarise, for a comfortable life in London for 1 person, you would need a salary of at least 40K a year.

Is 35000 a good salary in London?

£35k is not enough as a single person to have single occupancy rights to a property and still have enough after normal expenditure to save and not feel poor. A single household in london earning £35k is pittance. If it was enough, there wouldn’t be such a massive shared household market in london.

Is 30k a good salary in London?

30k in London is do-able. However this kind of salary level will only buy you a decent quality of life if you are sharing accommodation, or living right next to your workplace. Bottom line, if you’re only earning 30k in London, you have to hustle to survive, or else have some friends/family help you meet your expenses.

Is 20k a good salary in London?

Your £20k per annum should earn you a comfortable living in London, with slightly less than half to save.

Is 20 000 A good salary UK?

20k is a good wage if you’re young, fresh out of uni, still living with parents or in a house share but for a career it’s not a lot. 20k is a good wage if you’re young, fresh out of uni, still living with parents or in a house share but for a career it’s not a lot. You’d still be living pay cheque to pay cheque.

What is a high salary in London?

A person working in London typically earns around 86,400 GBP per year. Salaries range from 21,900 GBP (lowest average) to 386,000 GBP (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average yearly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

Is 60K a good salary in London?

£60k is definitely enough to live comfortably in London. £60K per annum gives you about £3,611.32 per month after tax. That is without taking any pre-tax deductions such as pension contributions into account. If you want to save £1,200 per month that means you would have around £2,400 to live on.

Is 75k a good salary in London?

London is expensive, that is obvious, but a salary of £75k is pretty healthy. We will assume this is the entire household income and that your partner is not working and thus providing childcare.

Is 85000 a good salary in London?

85k is wealthy even by Central London standards That’s not wealthy. It’s comfortable certainly, but not wealthy.

What salary is considered rich UK?

It shows that anyone earning above £75,300 is in the top five per cent of taxpayers. In 2017, polling firm Yougov looked into what kind of salary Britons think makes a person “rich”. The results showed that people in the UK think the top 10 per cent of earners – those bagging on average £60,500 a year – are wealthy.

Is 25000 a good salary in UK?

According to reputable graduate job boards like, the average starting salary for UK graduates is estimated at £21,000 – £25,000. Meanwhile, estimates a slightly higher average of £27,000 for graduate jobs. Those working in the London area can expect to start with an even better salary.

Is 40K a good salary UK?

As you can see from a previous example, 40K is a decent salary to live in London. However, due to high property prices, most likely, you won’t be able to afford your own place.

Is 50k a good salary UK 2020?

Generally though, that’s considered a pretty darn good salary for most people. The average salary is much lower but it depends on your age / type of job / area you are working. £50k in London might be a “normal” salary for a young successful person.

Is 55000 pounds a good salary in London?

£55k is about £10k above the average London salary, and even then bear in mind that the average is distorted northwards by some obscenely high city salaries in the finance sector.

What is the highest paid job in the UK?

Highest-paid jobs in the UK

  • Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers – £92,330.
  • Chief Executives and Senior Officials – £85,239.
  • Marketing and Sales Directors – £80,759.
  • Legal Professionals (n.e.c.*) – £77,212.
  • Information Technology and Telecommunications Directors – £69,814.
  • Financial Managers and Directors – £67,114.

What salary is middle class UK?

As of 2011 the established middle class had an average household income of £47,000 a year and owned a home worth an average of £177,000 with average savings of £26,000. Many were graduates, and a majority of their members work in the professions or management. Many originated from professional and managerial families.

Is 35k a year a good salary UK?

We are specifically talking about a particular, London-based industry. Person A says £35k is decent for someone with a few years experience and coming up to junior management. Person A said this is decent for someone with 1-2 years experience in a non-managerial role.

Is 30k a good salary for a 25 year old?

30k for a 25 year old is an excellent salary, remember that most ‘normal’ working people wont earn 30k in there life.

Is 60k a good salary UK?

A good rule of thumb in the UK is that if your salary in £k is greater than your age you’re doing very well, so yes £60k for a 30 year old is excellent. £60k would be enough to support a family single-handed with a nice house and a good standard of living.

Is 100k a good salary in London?

It is certainly possible to live well in London for £100k a year, but there is a difference between wealth and income. But 100k a year is considerably more than the average London wage. Most people already have considerable equity in housing though so prices reflect this.

How much will I take home if I earn 60000?

If your salary is £60,000, then after tax and national insurance you will be left with £43,440. This means that after tax you will take home £3,620 every month, or £835 per week, £167.00 per day, and your hourly rate will be £28.85 if you’re working 40 hours/week.

How much tax will I pay on 60000 a year UK?

If you make £60,000 a year living in United Kingdom, you will be taxed £16,558. That means that your net pay will be £43,442 per year, or £3,620 per month. Your average tax rate is 27.6% and your marginal tax rate is 42.0%.

Is 60k per year a good salary?

$60,000 per year is a really good salary to live comfortably on. In fact, it’s a upper-middle class salary.

How much tax do I pay on 50k salary?

On a £50,000 salary, your take home pay will be £37,640 after tax and National Insurance. This equates to £3,136.67 per month and £723.85 per week. If you work 5 days per week, this is £144.77 per day, or £18 per hour at 40 hours per week.

How much will I take home if I earn 80000?

For the 2019 / 2020 tax year £80,000 after tax is £54,936 annually and it makes £4,578 net monthly salary.

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