What height of water is supported by atmospheric pressure what height of mercury?

What height of water is supported by atmospheric pressure what height of mercury?

760 mm

Why is water not used as barometric liquid?

Solution. Water is not a suitable barometric liquid because: (i) The vapour pressure of water is high, so its vapours in the vacuum space will make the reading inaccurate. (ii) Water sticks with the glass tube and wets it, so the reading becomes inaccurate.

Why is water not used as a barometric liquid Give two reasons?

( a ) The density of water is low ( = 1000 kg / m^3 ) , so nearly 10.4 m height of water column is needed to balance the normal atmospheric pressure . But it is highly inconvenient to take a tube of height 10.4 m for a barometer . ( b ) Water sticks with thr glass tube and wets it , so the reading becomes inaccurate .

What liquid is used in manometers?


Why is it better to use water than mercury in a manometer?

Mercury is commonly used in barometers because its high density means the height of the column can be a reasonable size to measure atmospheric pressure. A barometer using water, for instance, would need to be 13.6 times taller than a mercury barometer to obtain the same pressure difference.

What does the height difference indicate?

The difference in height, “h,” which is the sum of the readings above and below zero, indicates the amount of vacuum. Instruments employing this principle are called manometers. The simplest form is the basic and well-known U-tube manometer.

What is the manometer equation?

Manometers. One of the most important classes of pressure gauges applies the property that pressure due to the weight of a fluid of constant density is given by p = hρg. The U-shaped tube shown in Figure 14.4.

What is meant by Piezometer?

A piezometer is either a device used to measure liquid pressure in a system by measuring the height to which a column of the liquid rises against gravity, or a device which measures the pressure (more precisely, the piezometric head) of groundwater at a specific point.

What are Monometers?

Manometers are precision instruments that are used to measure pressure, which is the force exerted by a gas or liquid per unit surface area owing to the effects of the weight of that gas or liquid from gravity. This type of manometer is called a sphygmomanometer.

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