When two heterozygous parents reproduce what type of offspring can they produce?
In addition, crossing two individuals that are both heterozygous will yield, on average, 50 percent heterozygous offspring; half of the remaining offspring, on average, will be homozygous for the dominant allele and half homozygous for the recessive allele.
What color are the kernels on the parent ears of corn?
In the simplest terms, color in the corn kernel (specifically in the endosperm layer) is purple (dominant allele, P) in the wild type. Yellow corn is a mutant, albeit a more familiar form to most of us. Similarly, the shape of the kernel is familiar to us as a smooth rounded shape in sweet corn.
Why are corn kernels different colors?
The different colors of corn seeds (ker nels) result from anthocyanin pigments that are expressed differentially by cells of the aleurone tissue. Mosaic color patterns after genetic crosses were not consistent, implying that the mutations responsible for kernel color were not due to mutations in germ cells.
Why are corns yellow?
White corn produces sweet white kernels while yellow corn kernels have a hue that can be pale to dark yellow. This difference in color stems from yellow corn’s beta carotene, which may give it the upper hand in nutritional value, as beta carotene turns into vitamin A during the digestive process.
Why is purple corn dominant?
Purple is dominant because there are three times more purple kernels.
Is yellow or purple corn dominant?
Inheritance in Maize The purple corn color is dominant, and the yellow color is recessive, because there are more purple corn kernels present in this generation.
Is wrinkled or smooth corn dominant?
Smooth kernels appear hard and starchy. The recessive phenotype produces wrinkled kernels (su), which are shrunken in appearance. In this lab, we will examine the mode of inheritance of these two genes by looking at the progeny of a fertilization event between a male corn flower and a female corn flower.
Why is corn a good genetic model?
On maize as a model organism: “One of the advantages of corn is also that the endosperm of the kernel–the juicy part you eat when you eat corn on the cob–is actually extremely informative. Each kernel is the result of a different cross, and so they will have different genetic properties.
What proportion of purple kernels is expected in the progeny of the Monohybrid cross?
2 to 1
What are the odds that the offspring will have smooth kernels?
3 out of 4 of the offspring will have the dominant trait of smooth kernels. So, 75%.
What does AA stand for in genotype?
homozygous dominant
Can AA genotype marry anybody?
In terms of compatibility, someone with an AA genotype can marry anybody. It is safe for someone with AS to marry someone with AA genotype. Two sickle cells should not even have a relationship or get married. Individuals with the AA genotype should help you prevent genetic abnormalities by marrying the AS, AC, and SS.
Can AS and AS genotype give birth to AA?
Someone with the genotype ‘AS’ should only marry someone with the genotype ‘AA’ because if ‘AS’ marries ‘AS’ there is one way out of 4 chances (AS, AS, AA, SS) that they’ll have a child with the sickle cell disease or commonly known as a sickler (SS).