Why elastic force is called conservative force explain?

Why elastic force is called conservative force explain?

A conservative force is a force done in moving a particle from one point to another, such that the force is independent of the path taken by the particle. It depends only on the initial and final position of the particle. Gravitational force and elastic spring forces are two such examples of conservation forces.

Which of the following material is most elastic?


What are the factors on which Young’s modulus of elasticity of substance depends?

The Young’s Modulus of a material is a fundamental property of every material that cannot be changed. It is dependent upon temperature and pressure however. The Young’s Modulus (or Elastic Modulus) is in essence the stiffness of a material. In other words, it is how easily it is bended or stretched.

What is the effect of annealing on elasticity of materials answer?

Annealing: Annealing is done by heating and then cooling the materials slowly. This results in a decrease in the elasticity of the material. Temperature: As the temperature increases, intermolecular forces decreases, resulting in a decrease in the elasticity.

What is the effect of annealing?

The annealing treatment increases the system’s strength by reducing dislocation emission sources and improves material ductility through strengthening grain boundaries’ resistance to intergranular cracks.

Is rubber more elastic than glass?

Complete step by step answer: Rubber is an elastic material because it retains its original shape after being compressed or stretched. Therefore, the rubber is more elastic than glass and glass is more elastic than copper and copper is more elastic than steel.

Is rubber brittle material?

Rubber is not ductile. Ductility is the ability of a material to undergo permanent deformation through elongation or bending without fracturing. However, rubber has a ‘shelf life’ of between 3 and 5 years depending on how it is stored. Rubber becomes brittle as it ages.

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