Why contactor is used in motor?

Why contactor is used in motor?

A contactor is a large relay, usually used to switch current to an electric motor or another high-power load. Large electric motors can be protected from overcurrent damage through the use of overload heaters and overload contacts.

What is difference between circuit breaker and contactor?

A contactor is an electrically-controlled switch used for switching an electrical power circuit. Unlike a circuit breaker, a contactor is not intended to interrupt a short circuit current. Contactors range from those having a breaking current of several amperes to thousands of amperes and 24 V DC to many kilovolts.

How a contactor is wired?

Break your circuit, L N E through your contactor. Link a permanent live and a neutral from your supply to your coil (Al + A2) then use your switch feed to your photocell from A1, and switch the wire to the switched phase of your contactor load. This should now open when light, close when dark.

What is the major difference between a magnetic starter and a contactor?

A Motor Starter is a basically a contactor with the addition of an overload relay which will drop out the coil voltage in case of motor overload condition. A Contactor is an electrically control switch same as a relay. It is used for switching the current to ON and OFF a circuit.

What is the most common line break overload?

One of the most common types of line voltage overloads is the metal disc mounted between two contacts. This is called a bimetal line break overload.

What is a line break overload?

What is a line break overload? An overload that breaks the power going to the motor and is most commonly used on small motors. An overload that senses the load of the circuit or power-consuming device and breaks a set of contacts that is isolated from the sensing element.

How does a magnetic starter work?

How Does a Magnetic Motor Starter Work? Magnetic starters rely on electromagnets to function. The overload relay opens the control voltage to the starter coil if it detects an overload on a motor. A control circuit with momentary contact devices that are connected to the coil executes the start and stop function.

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