Which types of energy are most commonly dissipated?

Which types of energy are most commonly dissipated?

Energy is usually lost by heating up the surroundings though sometimes energy is dissipated as sound waves. for a radio or set of speakers, the electrical work is transferred into useful sound waves and infrared radiation is dissipated – ie wasted as heat energy.

What is Joule dissipation?

Joule Dissipation in Different Frames [29] The term j ยท Eis often referred to as Joule dissipation, but it should perhaps be more thought of as the rate at which electromagnetic energy is converted to or from mechanical and chemical energy.

What is another word for dissipation?

Dissipation Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for dissipation?

debauchery dissoluteness
profligacy rakishness
drunkenness immoderation
libertinage libertinism
wantonness immorality

What’s the opposite of dissipated?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for dissipate. economizer, penny-pincher.

What does debauchery mean?

1 : extreme indulgence in bodily pleasures and especially sexual pleasures : behavior involving sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.

What is the opposite of ideal?

conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence; embodying an ideal. Antonyms: imperfect, concrete.

Is Flawed an antonym for ideal?

What is the opposite of ideal?

worthless terrible
ugly unsavoryUS
unsavouryUK deficient
untalented imperfect
unsuitable flawed

What is the similar word of ideal?

Frequently Asked Questions About ideal Some common synonyms of ideal are example, exemplar, model, and pattern. While all these words mean “someone or something set before one for guidance or imitation,” ideal implies the best possible exemplification either in reality or in conception.

What is another word for not ideal?

What is another word for not ideal?

less than ideal less than optimal
substandard unsatisfactory
inadequate disappointing
imperfect dissatisfactory
wanting displeasing

What does this is not ideal mean?

: not ideal especially : not exactly right for a particular purpose, situation, or person nonideal circumstances.

What is the opposite word of idle?

idle. Antonyms: tilled, occupied, populated, filled, employed, assiduous, industrious. Synonyms: void, unoccupied, waste, vain, empty, unemployed, useless, inactive, lazy, indolent.

What is the opposite of pious?

pious(a) Antonyms: impious. Synonyms: religious, devout, saintly, righteous, reverent.

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