Which of the following is a postulate of the kinetic molecular theory of gases?

Which of the following is a postulate of the kinetic molecular theory of gases?

As applied to gases, the kinetic molecular theory has the following postulates: Gases are composed of very tiny particles (molecules). The actual volume of these molecules is so small as to be negligible compared with the total volume of the gas sample. A gas sample is, then, mostly empty space.

Which of the following is included as a postulate in the kinetic molecular theory of an ideal gas?

The five main postulates of the KMT are as follows: (1) the particles in a gas are in constant, random motion, (2) the combined volume of the particles is negligible, (3) the particles exert no forces on one another, (4) any collisions between the particles are completely elastic, and (5) the average kinetic energy of …

Which conditions of P and T respectively are most ideal?

Low P and High T are most ideal for a gas. This is because ideal gas particles experience no intermolecular forces and these conditions are least…

Which of the following is not part of the kinetic molecular theory?

The following statement is not part of the kinetic molecular theory : Attractive and repulsive forces are present between gas molecule. According to the kinetic molecular theory, there is no attractive (or repulsive) force between the molecules, as they move independent of each other.

Which of the following is a part of the kinetic molecular theory?

Answer: The correct answers are “The particles in gas move freely in all directions” and “The particles in a gas have few attractions between them”.

Which of the following is not part of kinetic?

When particles collide, no energy is lost. “Small particles make up all matter”is not a part of kinetic molecular theory.

Is there very little empty space in a gas?

Gas particles move rapidly. There is very little empty space in a gas. A gas is composed of very small particles. Gas particles do not attract or repel one another.

Does average kinetic energy depend on mass?

The last postulate of the kinetic molecular theory states that the average kinetic energy of a gas particle depends only on the temperature of the gas. Because the mass of these particles is constant, their kinetic energy can only increase if the average velocity of the particles increases.

Which states of matter can flow?

Liquids can flow or be poured easily. They are not easy to hold. Liquids change their shape depending on the container they are in.

Which is wrong according to kinetic theory?

In kinetic theory of gases pressure is due to the molecules colliding with the walls of the container and not when molecules collide with each other.

Which states of matter does not flow?

Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape; the particles are not free to move around. Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles.

Can we create matter from nothing?

On one hand, there is no known way, given the particles and their interactions in the Universe, to make more matter than antimatter. This creation-and-annihilation process, which obeys E = mc^2, is the only known way to create and destroy matter or antimatter.

Is electricity matter Yes or no?

In physics, usually the word “electricity” isn’t really used. “Electric current” is more common, and is defined as the flow of charges, where the charges are held by particles (electrons). Electrons have mass, so they are definitely matter.

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