What is a secondary motion?
Secondary animation also known as secondary motion, is used to refer to flat motions that are generated as a reaction to the movement of primary motion by a character. Examples of secondary motion include the rippling of water, swish of a cloak, or jiggle of body parts when a person is moving.
Who can make a motion at a meeting?
Motions may be made by any voting member of the board other than the chair. Step 2: Motion is seconded by any voting member of the board.
What is secondary motion SSM?
Secondary motion is totally event-dependent. Tertiary motion is especially fast object motion.
What is tertiary motion?
Tertiary motion is sequence motion. It is determined by the specific use oi one or several ofthese transition devices: the cut, the jump cut, the dissolve, the wipe, the fade, and special transitional effects. The cut is an instantaneous change from one image to another.
What are the primary motions?
For fabric manufacturing through weaving, three primary motions are required namely shedding, picking and beat up. It is the process by which the warp sheet is divided into two groups so that a clear passage is created for the weft yarn or weft carrying device to pass through it.
What is tertiary motion quizlet?
Tertiary motion refers to: cut, dissolve, wipe, fade. When dollying: the camera moves through space and we identify with the moving camera as we seem to move closer to the subject.
How does the viewer perceive a zoom in?
How does the viewer perceive a zoom-in? In a fade the picture goes either gradually to black or appears gradually on the screen from black.
What is the major factor that determines experience intensity?
Experience intensity is less dependent on the relative energy or density of the event and more dependent on how much the event means to you. The relative number of event details that occur within a brief clock time period constitutes event intensity.
What is the primary aesthetic function of continuity editing?
What is the primary aesthetic function of continuity editing? In special cases we can use converging instead of continuing motion vectors to intensify the motion of an object.
What is the basic structural unit of video?
Term Motion | Definition Moving image of video and film an obvious manifestation of time |
Term Basic Structural Unit of Film | Definition Film Frame Film motion is an illusion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9Et7UQh1tg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkq2Kq-LmJg |
Term Video Motion | Definition Television and Video |
Which is the basic structural unit of silicates?
silicon tetrahedron
What is the structure of a digital cinema frame quizlet?
The structural unit of a digital cinema frame is a moving mosaic of optical images. Object speed is not a type of perceived speed. The perceived screen motion is greatly dependent on blocking.
What problem is created when a camera shot crosses the vector line?
Crossing the line is a very important concept in video and film production. It refers to an imaginary line which cuts through the middle of the scene, from side to side with respect to the camera. Crossing the line changes the viewer’s perspective in such as way that it causes disorientation and confusion.
What is the 360 rule?
Very simply put it is a rule that dictates that when you change the viewpoint of the viewer by changing the angle from which something is shot you have to maintain that same viewpoint. If you don’t do that then the audience has to mentally adjust for a second to re-orient themselves to the new angle.
Why is the 30 degree rule important?
Why it is special… The 30 Degree Rule is highly anti-intuitive in that it posits that a cut resulting in a greater change in camera angle would be less confusing to the audience compared to a cut that produces a smaller camera-angle change.
Why is 180 degree rule important?
The 180-degree rule enables the audience to visually connect with unseen movement happening around and behind the immediate subject and is particularly important in the narration of battle scenes.