What is the advantage of a diesel cycle over the Otto cycle?

What is the advantage of a diesel cycle over the Otto cycle?

The overall efficiency is higher than the Otto cycle. In the diesel cycle, the adiabatic expansion takes place when the heat addition is cut-off. After drawing air during the intake stroke, fuel is injected by an injector. It has a comparatively lower thermal efficiency than that of Otto cycle.

What is Otto cycle and diesel cycle?

The Otto cycle is an air-standard cycle which approximates the processes in petrol or diesel engines. It is based on constant volume heat addition (combustion) and heat rejection processes, and isentropic compression and expansion. The diagram is shown in Fig. Otto cycle and engine cycle on p–V diagram.

What is constant in Otto cycle?

In the Otto cycle, there is no heat transfer during the process 1–2 and 3–4 as they are isentropic processes. Heat is supplied only during the constant volume processes 2–3 and heat is rejected only during the constant volume processes 4–1.

What is the difference between Miller and Otto cycles?

The Miller cycle engine is compared to a standard Otto cycle engine using cycle analyses and multidimensional simulation, and basic engine design implications are discussed. It is found that the Miller cycle engine has a potential for improved fuel efficiency, but at the cost of a reduced power to weight ratio.

What does Atkinson cycle mean?

In the late 20th century, the term “Atkinson cycle” began to be used to describe a modified Otto-cycle engine—in which the intake valve is held open longer than normal, allowing a reverse flow of intake air into the intake manifold.

Why is the Atkinson cycle more efficient?

The Atkinson cycle is ideal for hybrids because their electric motor(s) make up for the lost low-speed output. Compression and expansion ratios are the same in an Otto engine. Atkinson wins on efficiency because its expansion ratio is significantly larger than its compression ratio.

What is the disadvantage of a hybrid car?

Higher Purchasing Cost And Complex Hybrid Tech Due to their higher complexity, hybrid vehicles are considerably more expensive than their ICE counterparts. In addition to all the technology that is commonly installed in a conventional car, hybrid vehicles feature: electric motor(s) a large battery pack.

How does the Atkinson cycle engine work?

The pistons are powered by gasoline, sprayed into the engine and detonated by the spark plug. The piston moves four times in each cycle: down to draw in gasoline vapour, up to compress it, down when the vapour ignites and explodes, and then up to push out the exhaust.

Why are two stroke engines so loud?

The main reason that two stroke engines are loud is that they fire twice as often as four stroke engines. Two stroke engines have a very extensively designed exhaust system (expansion chamber) that reflects the sound wave back to the cylinder at a specific time.

What is a 3 cycle engine?

A three-stroke internal combustion engine completes a complete combustion cycle of exhaust, intake, compression, ignition, and expansion within a single revolution of a crankshaft by a single stroke of a first piston and a single stroke of a second piston within a single cylinder.

How can we increase the efficiency of Rankine Cycle?

Increasing the Efficiency of Rankine Cycle That is, to increase the efficiency one should increase the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, and/or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid in the condenser.

Why Carnot cycle is not practically possible?

In order to approach the Carnot efficiency, the processes involved in the heat engine cycle must be reversible and involve no change in entropy. It is not a practical engine cycle because the heat transfer into the engine in the isothermal process is too slow to be of practical value.

What happens to the efficiency when temperature is increased in Rankine Cycle?

Super Heating The Steam to Higher Temperature Superheating of steam is the phenomenon in which heat is transferred to the steam to super heat the steam to higher temperature by maintaining the constant pressure in the boiler. Thermal efficiency of the rankine cycle increases on account of increase in steam temperature.

What is the net work output of Rankine Cycle?

The net power output of the cycle is 100 MW.

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