What is the difference between a detailed drawing and an assembly drawing?

What is the difference between a detailed drawing and an assembly drawing?

Detail drawings provide detail descriptions of a part for construction or fabrication, whereas assembly drawings emphasis how the part is to be used. Assembly drawings show the parts together in assembly.

What information is contained in an engineering drawing?

More detailed production drawings may be produced based on the information given in an engineering drawing. Drawings have an information box or title block containing who drew the drawing, who approved it, units of dimensions, meaning of views, the title of the drawing and the drawing number.

What should be included in an assembly drawing?

Assembly drawings may include instructions, lists of the component parts, reference numbers, references to detail drawings or shop drawings, and specification information. However, they should not duplicate information provided elsewhere, as this can become contradictory and may cause confusion.

What does an assembly drawing show?

Assembly Drawings are those drawings which shows an entirety of a machine or system with all its components located and identified. The purpose of an assembly drawings is item identification, labeling the sequence for assembly and sometimes to even mention standard requirements.

What is the difference between exploded drawing and assembly drawing?

Answer. Answer: Assembly drawings can be used to represent items that consist of more than one component. An exploded view drawing is a diagram, picture, schematic or technical drawing of an object, that shows the relationship or order of assembly of various parts.

How do you create an exploded diagram?

To create an exploded view:

  1. Do one of the following options: Click Exploded View .
  2. Select one or more components to include in the first explode step.
  3. Drag a translation or rotation handle to move selected components.
  4. Modify explode options:
  5. Click Done.
  6. Create more explode steps as required, and click .

Where would you find an exploded view of a part?

The exploded view drawing is used in parts catalogs, assembly and maintenance manuals and other instructional material. The projection of an exploded view is usually shown from above and slightly in diagonal from the left or right side of the drawing.

Where would a 3d exploded diagram be used?

Showing the relationship between different components and how they fit together helps users understand the order of assembly of the different parts. This is why exploded view drawings are commonly used in parts catalogs, assembly and maintenance manuals, and other instructional materials.

What explodes Axonometrics?

I have always been intrigued by exploded axonometric illustrations. They add a kinetic aspect to what is typically very stagnate fixed objects. Instead, this type of illustration emphasizes the relationship between the different elements and the role each element plays to the larger whole.

What is an exploded isometric drawing?

Exploded isometrics are commonly referred to as assembly drawings. This is because they are often used in. technical manuals to show all the parts of a product and how they fit together. This is usually accompanied by a legend containing all the information about the different parts.

How do you make an exploded assembly drawing in Solidworks?

In the drawing:

  1. Insert a model view of the assembly using the orientation needed for the exploded view. For details, see Model View.
  2. Right-click the drawing view and click Properties.
  3. In the Drawing View Properties dialog box, under Configuration information, select Show in exploded or model break state.

How do you collapse an exploded view in SolidWorks?

You can toggle between the exploded and collapsed views.

  1. In the Manager Pane, on the ConfigurationManager tab. , expand Default.
  2. Double-click ExplView, or right-click it and click Collapse.
  3. To return to the exploded view, double-click ExplView again, or right-click it and click Explode.

How do you add lines to exploded view SolidWorks?

To insert an explode line sketch:

  1. Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch. The Explode Sketch toolbar appears.
  2. Add explode lines by using: Route Line (Explode Sketch toolbar)
  3. Close the sketch. The sketch 3DExplode appears in the ConfigurationManager under Exploded View .

How do I create a bill of materials drawing in SolidWorks?

To insert a Bill of Materials into a drawing:

  1. Click Bill of Materials (Table toolbar), or Insert > Tables > Bill of Materials.
  2. Select a drawing view to specify the model.
  3. Set the properties in the Bill of Materials PropertyManager, then click OK .

How do you create a bill of materials?

BOM 101: 8 Tips for Creating a Successful Bill of Materials

  1. Tailor the BOM to Project/Build Needs. Before creating the BOM, decide the priority details that are required from it and design it to meet those requirements.
  2. Use a Template.
  3. Include the Right Amount of Detail.
  4. Items to Include in a BOM.
  5. Double Check the Information.
  6. Track Changes.
  7. Limit Access.
  8. Automate, Automate, Automate.

How do you make a BOM template in Solidworks?

To save a SOLIDWORKS BOM Template file:

  1. Select an existing BOM to reveal the column and row headers.
  2. Right-click on the BOM and choose “Save As…”
  3. This will allow you to save the BOM template on your system.
  4. (The default location is “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english”)

What is Bill of Materials solidworks?

You can create one or more Bills of Materials (BOMs) directly from an assembly or part without first creating a drawing. Use parts only BOMs when the assembly consists of only part components, or to display only parts. The resulting parts are ordered according to their listing in the FeatureManager design tree.

How do I edit a bill of materials in Solidworks?

Bill of Materials – Edit Text

  1. Double-click the BOM, or right-click the BOM and select Edit. While the bill of materials is active, it is displayed with row and column headers.
  2. Edit the worksheet as needed, using Excel functions. You can perform these kinds of edits:
  3. Click outside the worksheet to return to the drawing.

How do I export BOM from Solidworks?

To export a BOM:

  1. Right-click a BOM and click Save As.
  2. In the dialog box: In Save as type, select a file type. Browse to a folder, enter a file name, and click Save.

How do you exclude in Bom solidworks?

To exclude assembly components from a Bill of Materials:

  1. In the assembly document, right-click the component and click Component Properties .
  2. In the Component Properties dialog box, select Exclude from bill of materials, then click OK. You can dissolve subassemblies and combine like components in BOMs.

What is Envelope solidworks?

An assembly envelope is a special type of assembly component. Envelopes have two main functions. You can use envelopes as reference components and as selection tools. Envelopes are ignored in global assembly operations such as bills of materials and mass properties.

How do I copy a BOM table in Solidworks?

Copying Assembly BOMs into Drawings

  1. Select Insert > Tables > Bill of Materials.
  2. In BOM Options, select Copy existing table.
  3. Select an assembly BOM from the list.
  4. Select Linked to link the BOMs.

How do I export BOM from Solidworks to excel?

To save a bill of materials as an Excel file:

  1. Click the bill of materials on the drawing sheet.
  2. Click File > Save As.
  3. Enter a file name, and click Save.

How do you create a BOM in Excel solidworks?

Creating an Excel-based BOM

  1. Click Excel Based Bill of Materials (Table toolbar) or Insert > Tables > Excel Based Bill of Materials.
  2. In the Select BOM Template dialog box, browse to \lang\, and select Piping BOM Template. xls.
  3. Select options in the Bill of Materials Properties dialog box and click OK.

How do you create a BOM in Excel?

Create a new workbook in Excel, and then type the column headings for your bill of materials. The headings should reflect all attributes of a part that are relevant to the completed project. For example, type a “Categories” heading to be able to classify a part according to its function or appearance.

How do I import Excel into Solidworks?

To import or export data, with the pattern table open, click Import from Excel or Export from Excel. You can also import data from a specific sheet in the Excel file. With the pattern table open, click Import from Excel and select the Excel file to import. Then click the Sheet: drop-down list, and select the sheet.

Where are solidworks templates saved?

Default File Locations

File Type Default Location
Document Templates 1 C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS version \templates
Document Templates 2 C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\Tutorial
Bend Table Template C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english

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