Why did Socrates choose death over exile?

Why did Socrates choose death over exile?

Basically, Socrates provoked and accepted his punishment because used his ‘truthful’ defense (Delphic Oracle + did not intend to bring about negative consequences/was only fulfilling a divine duty), which caused him to be found guilty by the jury (this is in the Apology).

Would it have been just for Socrates to break the laws and escape with crito?

The only question at hand is whether or not it would be just for Socrates to attempt an escape. If it is just, he will go with Crito, if it is unjust, he must remain in prison and face death. Rather than simply break the Laws and escape, Socrates should try to persuade the Laws to let him go.

Is crito a good friend to Socrates?

The Crito records the conversation that took place in the prison where Socrates was confined awaiting his execution. It is in the form of a dialog between Socrates and Crito, an elderly Athenian who for many years has been a devoted friend of Socrates and a firm believer in his ethical teachings.

What does Socrates say about public opinion?

Socrates, on the other hand, insists that the truth is fully independent from public opinion. For this reason, there’s no reason to worry about how others perceive one’s actions, so long as they’re undertaken in accordance with the greater good.

What does Socrates mean by living well?

Living honorably and justly

Does Socrates care about anyone?

Does Socrates care about anyone? There is evidence that, in some sense of the word, Socrates doesn’t care about people (e.g., he does not look after his familial responsibilities) In another sense, he most clearly does (e.g., he makes explicit reference to caring for one’s soul.)

What does Socrates value more than life?

Virtue. Socrates strongly believed (unlike modern society) that the cultivation of virtue is the most important pursuit in life. He believed that virtue leads to a good and fulfilling life. The virtuous person is one who does well for society, and is in control of themselves and their desires.

What was Socrates goal in the apology?

Specifically, the Apology of Socrates is a defence against the charges of “corrupting the youth” and “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel” to Athens (24b).

What is good life for Socrates?

By searching for true justice, true beauty, or true friendship, Socrates inevitably called into question what was widely believed to be justice, beauty, friendship, and so forth. “The good life is a life that questions and thinks about things; it is a life of contemplation, self-examination, and open-minded wondering.

How would Socrates define a good man?

To bring together the definition of a good man, Socrates says he is a man who always considers his actions and acts in a good and just manner. Aristotle says a good man acts unto virtue and derives his happiness and pleasure from that virtue. So we have a man who is prudent, virtuous, and just.

Did Socrates live a happy life?

Socrates lived in Athens Greece his entire life (469-399 BC), cajoling his fellow citizens to think hard about questions of truth and justice, convinced as he was that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” While claiming that his wisdom consisted merely in “knowing that he knew nothing,” Socrates did have certain …

What according to Socrates does it mean to live a life of virtue?

Greek Virtue and The Teleological Life Virtue is defined as a habit or quality that allows individuals to succeed at their purpose. Socrates and Aristotle are referenced considerably about virtuosity. They believed that being virtuous was in our nature, that being virtuous is acting with excellence and acting rightly.

What are the virtues of Socrates?

The importance of this structure is that it allows Socrates to define virtues of the city by relations among its parts. These virtues are justice, wisdom, courage, and moderation.

What is the highest good of human life?

Happiness is the highest good because we choose happiness as an end sufficient in itself. Even intelligence and virtue are not good only in themselves, but good also because they make us happy. We call people “good” if they perform their function well.

What is the principle of golden mean?

The age-old principle known as The Golden Mean holds that virtue lies between the extremes. If you can travel the middle path of moderation and temperance, goodness and beauty will accompany you.

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