How is the government chosen in a democracy?

How is the government chosen in a democracy?

In a representative democracy, the people elect representatives to deliberate and decide on legislation, such as in parliamentary or presidential democracy. Democracy makes all forces struggle repeatedly to realize their interests and devolves power from groups of people to sets of rules.

What are the 5 criteria for democracy?

To reach the ideal requires meeting five criteria:

  • Effective participation.
  • Voting equality at the decisive stage.
  • Enlightened understanding.
  • Control of the agenda.
  • Inclusiveness.

Is Polyarchy a type of democracy?

In political science, the term polyarchy (poly “many”, arkhe “rule”) was used by Robert A. Dahl to describe a form of government in which power is invested in multiple people. It takes the form of neither a dictatorship nor a democracy.

Which factors are required for the success of democracy in India?

Factors are required for the successes of democracy in India are:

  • Inclusion of minority. All religious, linguistics, ethnic and caste group should get the equal opportunity to participate in the policy making.
  • Decriminalisation of Politics.
  • Social Campaigns.
  • Increase participation of people.

What are the factors responsible for success of democracy?

Some important factors are there which are responsible for the success of the process of democracy.

  • Election: It is the fundamental basis of democracy.
  • Political freedom:
  • Education:
  • Development of means of Communication:
  • Independent Judiciary:
  • Accountable Administration:
  • Freedom to form Political Parties:

What factors denote the successful working of democracy?

Factors for the success of democracy: i Transparency of democracy. ii It is accountable and responsible of ruling. iii It provides legitimacy. iv It accommodates government of social diversity.

Which of the following is needed for the success of democracy?

Literacy is needed in the success of democracy. As education make people to remove these barriers and make them realize that for development of country they should choose a person as their leader who can work for the development of entire nation. Was this answer helpful?

Which condition is not necessary for the success of democracy?

Without popular and effective political participation, no democracy can be successful. For this purpose, it is essential that literacy should be widespread and people must be enlightened in respect of their rights, freedoms and duties as citizens of a democratic system.

What are the conditions required for the success of democracy Class 8?

What are the conditions required for the success of democracy? In a democratic system, the people play important role in electing the govt. The citizen should be aware of his duties so that govt, could work in the interest of the people. Every citizen should have equal rights with freedom.

What are the conditions necessary for the success of democracy Meritnation?

Freedom to exercise choice, freedom of speech and expression, freedom to dissent serves as the real test for a democracy.

What is the important condition of democracy?

Political awareness is extremely important for democracy. 1. Without political awareness, people cannot make correct decisions about whom to vote for. 2. Without political awareness, people cannot judge how well the government is performing.

What are the common and uncommon factors of democracy write any three factors?

The factors of democracy are:

  • People as Sovereign. –Government of the people, by the people, and for the people; not for the wealthy (plutocracy), for the powerful few (oligarchy), for a single.
  • Rule of Law. –Law is supreme rule, not the supremacy of a person or group or class as ruler.
  • Majority Rule.

What are the main factors responsible for the successful working of the Indian Constitution?

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  • Election – It plays an important role in democracy. It.
  • Decentralization of power – The local governments take.
  • Freedom of press and media – This enables the people to.
  • Freedom to form political parties – In India there are a.
  • Independent judiciary – An independent judiciary is very.

What are the hindrances in the successful working of democracy explain any three?

Quantity rather than Quality: More emphasis on the number of votes. Inefficiency: Politicians are more interested in their positions and not in the welfare policies. Corruption: Democracy encourages nepotism, favoritism.

What is the biggest challenge a modern democracy has to face today?


What are the three challenges of democracy Class 10?

Solution: The three main challenges are the Foundational challenge, the Challenge of expansion and the challenge of Deepening of democracy.

What are the challenges of democracy Class 10?


  • Rigging of elections – Challenge of deepening of democracy.
  • Use of muscle power in elections – Challenge of deepening of democracy.
  • Inadequate representation of women – Challenge of expansion of democracy.
  • Use of money power in elections – Challenge of deepening of democracy.

Why is democracy a better form of government?

A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government. Democracy improves the quality of Decision Making. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Democracy allows people to correct their own mistakes.

Which is the biggest challenge before the world?


  • Poverty.
  • Unemployment.
  • Terrorism.
  • Environmental issues.
  • Rasicsm.

What are the key features of democracy?

What are the key features of a democracy?

  • Respect for basic human rights,
  • A multi-party political system paired with political tolerance,
  • A democratic voting system,
  • Respect for the rule of law,
  • Democratic governance, and.
  • Citizen participation. Share This Video. This work is licensed under CC BY NC ND. Related Videos.

What are the three essential features of democracy?

Mention any three essential feature of democracy

  • Democracy assures equality in every spheres of life like political, social and economic.
  • It upholds basic individual rights and liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression etc.
  • Accommodates all sorts of social diversities and divisions.

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