Why does Stephen turn down the offer to become a Jesuit?

Why does Stephen turn down the offer to become a Jesuit?

Why does Stephen turn down the offer to become a Jesuit? Religion is Stephen’s life up until the point when he is offered the possibility of entering the Jesuit order. Joyce suggests that Stephen clings to religion not because it is his calling, but merely as a source of stability within his turbulent life.

What is Stephen’s attitude toward his father on the train?

Stephen grows increasingly alienated from his father, largely because of Mr. Dedalus’s inability to connect with reality. Stephen is bored by his father’s tales of the old days as he rides with him in the train to Cork. He sees how much his father has lost touch with the world: Mr.

What is Stephen’s punishment for wetting the bed Why does Dante tell him the Eagles will pull his eyes out?

Stephen is not punished for wetting his bed. His mother puts an oil sheet on his bed to protect it. Dante tells him that eagles will pull out his eyes if he does not apologize for some misbehavior not revealed to the reader.

Which book enthralled Stephen as a child?

Stephen Dedalus
First appearance A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Last appearance Ulysses
Created by James Joyce
In-universe information

Which novel does Stephen fall in love?

Stephen does not understand many of their references. At home, Stephen reads Alexandre Dumas’s novel The Count of Monte Cristo, and is deeply engrossed in its adventure and romance. Stephen imagines himself as the lover of Mercédès, the novel’s heroine.

How old is Stephen Dedalus portrait?

six years

When the soul of a man is born in this country?

“When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets.”

Why does Stephen receive thirty three pounds from the bank teller?

Stephen and Mr. Dedalus enter the Bank of Ireland, leaving the rest of the family waiting outside, so that Stephen can cash the check for thirty-three pounds he has received as a literary prize. Stephen’s prize money is soon depleted, leaving him upset by his foolishness.

Where does Stephen attend school as a child?

Clongowes Wood College

Who is the author of the novel with which Stephen falls in love?

Thomas Hardy’s

Who is Eileen Why is Dante not fond of her?

Eileen Vance A young girl who lives near Stephen when he is a young boy. When Stephen tells Dante that he wants to marry Eileen, Dante is enraged because Eileen is a Protestant.

What is Stephen’s reaction to Father Arnell’s sermons?

Stephen feels particularly agonized by Father Arnall’s description of a lost soul because Stephen believes that he is already a lost soul. He believes that the sermon is delivered specifically to him — that he is being specifically warned about his sins: “Every word for him!”

How does Stephen feel after making his confession?

Stephen feels weak and numb. He admits to himself the horror of all the sins he has committed, and is amazed that God has not stricken him dead yet.

Where does Estella live when she goes abroad?


Who married PIP?

Clara Pocket

Did Pip and Estella get married?

THE TWO ENDINGS Wilkie Collins, a close friend and author of The Woman in White, objected to the not-happy ending Dickens first wrote for Great Expectations; Estella has remarried and Pip remains single.

Who married Estella?

Bentley Drummle

Why can’t Herbert marry Clara?

Why won’t Herbert marry Clara? He does not love her. He is too poor to marry. She will not make a good wife.

Why did Estella marry Drummle?

Estella married Drummle because she knew he was a terrible person and everyone would be perplexed and hurt that she married him. She was more interested in hurting her suitors, because there were plenty of excellent men that wanted her. She married Drummle to spite them all.

How did Drummle die?

In Great Expectations, Bentley Drummle dies in an accident involving a horse that he mistreated.

Why do Joe and Biddy name their son Pip?

Pip is also surprised to learn that the child has been named Pip in his honor. “We giv’ him the name of Pip for your sake, dear old chap, and we hoped he might grow a little bit like you, and we think he do.”

Who pays PIP’s debt?

But when Pip tries to tell Joe the story of Magwitch, Joe refuses to listen, not wanting to revisit painful memories. Despite Pip’s renewed affection, living in London makes Joe increasingly unhappy, and one morning Pip finds him gone. Before leaving, he does Pip one last good turn, paying off all of Pip’s debts.

Why is pip jealous of Bentley Drummle?

Miss Havisham wants Estella to show her more affection and Estella accuses Miss Havisham of raising her to be cold. Why is Pip jealous of Bentley Drummle? Drummle has been seeing Estella. Perhaps she is just trying to make Pip jealous but Drummle’s wealth is attractive also.

How does PIP feel about Drummle?

Pip is talking with Estella about Drummle and her going to marry him. As you can see from this passage Drummle was never kind to Pip. Drummle is a cruel person to those around him because he feels superior. Pip is hearing about what had happened to Estella and how unhappy she was with Drummle.

What do you know about Bentley Drummle?

Bentley Drummle An oafish, unpleasant young man who attends tutoring sessions with Pip at the Pockets’ house, Drummle is a minor member of the nobility, and the sense of superiority this gives him makes him feel justified in acting cruelly and harshly toward everyone around him.

Why does Pip stay devoted to Estella even when he sees how she treats him and her other suitors?

Estella, whose name means “star,” is just that for Pip: a distant idealized being. He knows that Estella uses him to elicit jealousy from her other admirers according to Miss Havisham’s desires, but he feels his benefactress has reserved Estella for him when Estella is finished wreaking revenge for Miss Havisham.

Why doesn’t pip run away if he is so ashamed?

Why doesn’t Pip run away if he is so ashamed of his home and forge? Pip doesn’t run away because Joe has remained faithful and committed to Pip even though Pip wishes to go back to the house. Pip identifies with this character because he feels guilty like the character.

Why did Miss Havisham ask Pip for Joe?

Pip tells no one but Biddy about Estella. One day Miss Havisham tells Pip to bring Joe because it is time to set up his apprenticeship. It is obvious to him that even if he is apprenticed to Joe, things are not going to go the way Pip and Joe dreamed they would when he was younger.

Why does Miss Havisham enjoy ridiculing PIP?

Miss Havisham wants to use Pip as the vehicle of her desire to seek revenge upon mankind. Mrs Havisham has heart turned to stone after she was jilted on her wedding day. She is unable to feel until she begins to seek a cruel pleasure in watching Estella torment Pip as his feelings for her develop.

What does Pip do to get even with orlick?

To get even with Orlick, Pip informs Jaggers about his untrustworthy nature and gets Orlick sacked from his post as guardsman at Satis House. Pip relieves his guilt about not visiting Joe by having a cod and barrel of oysters sent to the forge. Pip confesses that he loves Estella when he returns to Herbert in London.

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