What is the relationship between Mama and Walter?

What is the relationship between Mama and Walter?

Mama is Walter and Beneatha’s sensitive mother and the head of the Younger household. She demands that members of her family respect themselves and take pride in their dreams. Mama requires that the apartment in which they live always be neat and polished.

How do Ruth and Walter react to Mama’s news what does Walter accuse mama of?

How do Ruth and Walter react to Mama’s news? What does Walter Accuse Mama of? Ruth is very happy, Walter is upset about it. Walter says that Mama destroyed his dream.

How does Walter react to Mama’s purchase of a house?

She buys a house. What is Walter’s reaction to Mama’s purchase? He is angry and disappointed because he wanted to use the money to buy a liquor store.

Why is Mama so disgusted with Walter?

Mama sits down with Walter who is upset by—and ashamed of—his poverty, his job as a chauffeur, and his lack of upward mobility. Finally, Mama tells him that Ruth is pregnant and that she fears that Ruth is considering having an abortion.

Why does Mama not give Walter the money?

Since she is opposed to giving him the money because he wants to use it to invest in a liquor establishment, this setting makes the point that she’s giving him the money to invest in a future outside the dingy bar walls.

Why does Lena slap beneatha?

Mama is talking about Walter Younger, her husband. Why does Mama slap Beneatha? Mama slaps Beneatha because she is challenging her power. Mama repeatedly tells her to watch her mouth around her when referring to God in a negative way and she still does.

Does beneatha believe in God?

Beneatha doesn’t believe in God. Beneatha’s Mother, Lena is a very religious woman. Lena pretty much forces Beneatha to say God is real while they’re living under the same roof.

Why did the Younger’s get the $10000?

When the play opens, the Youngers are about to receive an insurance check for $10,000. This money comes from the deceased Mr. Younger’s life insurance policy. Each of the adult members of the family has an idea as to what he or she would like to do with this money.

Why does Mama start talking about her dead husband?

Why does Bobo come to see Walter? He comes to tell him that willy and the money is gone. Why does Mama start talking about her dead husband and beat Walter? He worked hard for the money and Walter wasted it all away.

How did Walter lose the money?

Walter loses the insurance money to Willy, a crook that he mistakes for a friend. Mama entrusts Walter with all the money that remains after the down payment on the new house.

Why does Mama buy a house in Clybourne Park?

What is Mama’s motive for buying a house in the all-white community of Clybourne Park? She wants to obtain the best home for the least amount of money. She wants to integrate the neighborhood. Mama’s son, Walter Lee, would rather use the money to invest in a liquor store with his friends.

Why does Walter call Mr Lindner?

Why does Walter call Mr. Lindner? Walter calls him because he lost the insurance money and he wants to take Mr. Lindner’s offer.

Does beneatha ever become a doctor?

Beneatha’s “schooling” is a privilege that Walter Lee has not had, yet Beneatha appears to believe that a higher education is her right. Everyone in the family is making a sacrifice so that Beneatha can become a doctor — a fact pointed out by Walter Lee as they clash in the first scene of the play.

Why does Asagai say that the money Walter gave away wasn’t hers?

Why does he say that the money Walter gave away wasn’t hers? Do you agree? Asagai reprimands Beneatha for her lack of idealism and her attachment to the money from her father’s death. He says that the money Walter gave away never belonged to Beneatha in the first place.

What does Mr Lindner symbolize?

Lindner represents the white majority that controlled the country. He also represents the racism of the white majority that segregated America (officially and unofficially) and helped to perpetuate the cycle of poverty which many African-American families had been caught in since the time of slavery.

What bad news does Bobo give Walter?

What news did Bobo bring to Walter? He tells Walter that Willy took all of the money and left without a trace. Beneatha and Ruth are busy packing when Ruth tells Beneatha how happy she is with the change in Walter.

What gift does the family give mama?

The family gives Mama gardening tools, and Travis gives Mama a hat. They are appropriate because the house a garden that Mama can grow fruits in.

What gift or gifts does Mama receive?

Travis gives Mama a gardening hat – a large straw hat with fruits/flowers on it and a ribbon to tie it on with. The rest of the family thinks it wis very funny, making reference to Mama wearing it to pick cotton, but Travis is absolutely serious with his gift.

What did Mama do with her money?

What did Mama do with her money? She bought (made a down payment on) a home.

What fault does Mama find with herself?

What fault does Mama find in herself? She found that even as a young girl to an adult she aimed to high all the time. She didn’t see her life how it actually was according to the people around her.

Why does Mama make Travis stay in the room?

Why does Mama make Travis stay in the room when Walter talks to Lindner? Mama wants Travis to see what kind of man his father is and she thinks Walter will not disgrace himself in front of Travis. She reminds Walter to teach Travis.

Who does Mama blame for the current situation?

Mama puts her plant in the window because she feels as if she is going nowhere. 7. Who does Mama blame for the current situation, and how does she plan to deal with it? She blames herself for this because people have always accused her of dreaming too big.

What does Walter tell Mr Lindner when he returns to the family with his paperwork?

Walter firmly tells Mr. Lindner that they will not accept the offer and urges Mr. Lindner to leave immediately. When Mama comes home, Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha tell her about Mr.

What does Mama mean when she tells Walter that if he takes Linders money he will have nothing left inside?

What does Mama mean when she says if Walter takes Lindner’s money that he will have nothing left inside? He will have no integrity left because he is conforming into what the world wants him to be.

Why does Walter change his mind?

Why does Walter change his mind? Walter changes his mind because he can’t tell his son see him lower himself.

Why does Walter decide to stand up to Mr Lindner and not sell back their house?

Because Walter has foolishly trusted his friend Willy with some of his insurance money that his mother has entrusted to him, Walter decides that he can recoup his loss by calling Mr. Lindner from the new area where they have looked at a house.

Does beneatha go to Africa?

Beneatha does not go to Africa during the timeline of A Raisin in the Sun. However, her final words in the play make it seem likely that she will do so.

Is beneatha selfish?

Instead of being grateful for her family’s sacrifices, Beneatha often comes off as being selfish, and at times, downright obnoxious. This is obvious in the way that she seems to sometimes look down on her family for not being as educated as she is.

Why is beneatha so interested in Africa?

Beneatha becomes interested in Africa when she meets Joseph Asagai, a student from Nigeria, on her campus. She approaches him because she is interested in learning about (what she considers) her identity. Beneatha is a deep-thinking person, and she wants to rethink the way African Americans live.

Why did beneatha not marry George?

Why did Beneatha say she wouldn’t marry George? She admitted that he was rich, but she thought he was shallow. She liked him well enough to go out with him, but she didn’t love him.

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