What is the main message of a raisin in the sun?

What is the main message of a raisin in the sun?

At the heart of Hansberry’s ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ is the universal message of the desire for social progress amid the differing opinions on how to achieve it. A Raisin in the Sun is a play about an African American family aspiring to move beyond segregation and disenfranchisement in 1950s Chicago.

What is a good thesis statement for a raisin in the sun?

A good thesis statement would therefore be: The characters in A Raisin in the Sun each pursue their own individual dream, but by the end put their individual dreams aside to pursue a collective dream that they recognise is vital for their unity and survival as a family.

Why was a raisin in the sun important?

Hansberry wrote that she always felt the inclination to record her experiences. At times, her writing—including A Raisin in the Sun—is recognizably autobiographical. A Raisin in the Sun can be considered a turning point in American art because it addresses so many issues important during the 1950s in the United States.

What is the conclusion of a raisin in the sun?

A Raisin in the Sun ends with the Younger family leaving their longtime apartment in Chicago’s South Side neighborhood in order to move into a house they’ve purchased in the otherwise all-white neighborhood of Clybourne Park.

Who died in a raisin in the sun?

Walter Younger

What is Travis Younger’s dream?

Ruth’s dream is also deferred by a lack of money, which forces her and Walter to live in a crowded apartment where their son, Travis, must sleep on a sofa. Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor and to save her race from ignorance.

How old is Walter Younger?


What is Asagai’s dream?

Asagai dreams of returning to his people and of changing the societal and political landscape in Africa. While he admits that the educated man is rare in his village and that his words will initially sound strange to his people, Asagai believes that he can make a difference in his homeland.

Why didn’t beneatha become a doctor?

Terms in this set (9) Why doesn’t Beneatha want to be a doctor anymore? She doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore because she thinks that without the money she won’t be able to go to school to be a doctor. She can’t cure that problems that are wrong with humanity such as racism and greed.

Why does beneatha want to be a doctor?

Underneath her tough shell, Beneatha really does care about helping people, which is why she ultimately wants to become a doctor….

What does Alaiyo mean?

When Asagai says goodbye, he calls Beneatha by a nickname, “Alaiyo.” He explains that it is a word from his African tribal language, roughly translated to mean “One for Whom Bread—Food—Is Not Enough.” He leaves, having charmed both women. Finally, the check arrives.

What does Mama say is dangerous?

They want a better quality of life. 5. What does Mama say is “dangerous”? She says it is dangerous “when a man goes outside his home to look for peace.”

What do eggs represent in a raisin in the sun?

Being quiet and eating one’s eggs represents an acceptance of the adversity that Walter and the rest of the Youngers face in life. Walter believes that Ruth, who is making his eggs, keeps him from achieving his dream, and he argues that she should be more supportive of him.

What is the irony in a raisin in the sun?

Bobo’s Confession Walter Lee has a plan to go into business with his friends, Bobo and Willy. When Bobo shows up at the Younger’s apartment to tell Walter Lee what has happened to his money, it is an example of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony happens when the audience has insight that the character does not have.

What symbols are in a raisin in the sun?

A Raisin in the Sun | Symbols

  • Music. Music reveals character, portrays heritage, and provides comfort.
  • Money. Money is a pervasive symbol for dreams and generational conflict.
  • Mama’s Plant and Sunlight. Mama is devoted to her plant, which symbolizes her nurturing of life in a small space.
  • Beneatha’s Hair.
  • Cooking and Food.

What do raisins symbolize?

Finally, raisins can be interpreted as the darkening of your hopes and dreams. Perhaps someone in your waking hours is trying to dampen things in your life….

What is a raisin cake in the Bible?

It is stated in chapter 6:19 in the second Book of Samuel that cake (identified as “raisin cake” in Hosea 3:1) was distributed by David, who reigned as the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah c. This raisin cake consisted of “a mass of dried grapes”.

Why is it called a raisin in the sun?

The play’s title is taken from “Harlem,” a poem by Langston Hughes, which examines the question “What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it dry up/like a raisin in the sun?” This penetrating psychological study of a working-class black family on the south side of Chicago in the late 1940s reflected Hansberry’s own ……

What does sunlight symbolize in a raisin in the sun?

Sunlight In the play, ‘sunlight’ symbolizes hope and life since all human life depends on warmth and energy from the sun. It is important to note that the first thing Ruth asks about in Act two, scene one, is whether or not the new house will have enough sunlight.

What is the style of a raisin in the sun?

The style of A Raisin in the Sun is direct and colloquial. Lorraine Hansberry wrote the play as a realist drama, meaning that she attempted to capture the everyday reality of her subjects, a working-class Black family living in South Side, Chicago, sometime in the late 1940s or 1950s.

What does sunlight symbolize?

The Sun symbolizes the supreme cosmic power – the life-force that enables all things to thrive and grow. In some cultures, the Sun is the Universal Father. Correspondingly, the Moon symbolizes death, birth and resurrection….

What are the conflicts in a raisin in the sun?

major conflict The Youngers, a working-class black family, struggle against economic hardship and racial prejudice. rising action Ruth discovers that she is pregnant; Mama makes a down payment on a house; Mama gives Walter the remaining insurance money; Walter invests the money in the liquor store venture.

What are two themes in a raisin in the sun?


  • The Value and Purpose of Dreams. A Raisin in the Sun is essentially about dreams, as the main characters struggle to deal with the oppressive circumstances that rule their lives.
  • The Need to Fight Racial Discrimination. The character of Mr.
  • The Importance of Family.

Where is a raisin in the sun set?

South Side

Who slaps Beneatha?

When Lena says, “God willing,” Beneatha responds that God has nothing to do with the matter and that she has become “sick of hearing about God.” At this point Lena threatens to slap her daughter….

Who is Travis in a raisin in the sun?

The son of Walter Lee and Ruth, Travis is the youngest member of the family. A “sturdy, handsome” boy of about ten years old, Travis sleeps on a make-down bed in the Youngers’ living room. Travis is a good-natured and persistent young boy who, for the most part, obeys his parents and grandmother.

What gift does Travis give to Mama?

Travis gives Mama a gardening hat – a large straw hat with fruits/flowers on it and a ribbon to tie it on with. The rest of the family thinks it wis very funny, making reference to Mama wearing it to pick cotton, but Travis is absolutely serious with his gift.

Why does Travis ask Ruth 50 cents?

Travis asks Ruth for fifty cents because his teacher told all students to bring the money to school.

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