How do you reply to Xie Xie?

How do you reply to Xie Xie?

From them I learned two ways of responding to “谢谢” (xièxiè): “不客气” (bù kèqì) “谢谢你” (xièxiè nǐ)

How do I say my name in Chinese?

1. 我叫李小龙 When people ask what your name is in Chinese, 我叫 plus your name is the easiest way to say my name is in Chinese.

How do you introduce yourself in Spanish?

Spanish Introductions The most common way to introduce yourself in Spanish is to say “Me llamo” followed by your name. Alternatives include “Mi nombre es” or “Soy” followed by your name. “Hola” can be used for either “hi” or “hello.”

What are three ways to say hello in Spanish?

1. Five Different Ways of Saying “Hello” in Spanish (Spain)

  • 1- Hola. It means “hello” or “hi” in Spanish and, as we’ve already mentioned, this word is the most common Spanish greeting and can be used at all times.
  • 2- Buenos días.
  • 3- Buenas tardes.
  • 4- Buenas noches.
  • 5- Ey.
  • 1- ¿Cómo estás?
  • 2- ¿Qué tal?
  • 3- ¿Qué pasa?

What are 5 greetings in Spanish?

Further on in this lesson we will look at the pronunciation of these and more Spanish greetings.

  • buenos días – good morning.
  • adiós – goodbye.
  • buenas tardes – good afternoon.
  • buenas noches – good evening.
  • muy buenos – a shortened version of the above three greetings, suitable anytime.
  • hola – hello.
  • ¿

What are some basic Spanish phrases?

Basic Spanish Phrases

  • Buenos días = Good morning.
  • Buenas tardes = Good afternoon.
  • Buenas noches = Good evening.
  • Hola, me llamo Juan = Hello, my name is John.
  • Me llamo… = My name is…
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? = What’s your name?
  • Mucho gusto = Nice to meet you.
  • ¿Cómo estás? = How are you?

What are the 100 most common Spanish words?

The 100 Most Common Words in Spoken Spanish

Rank Word in Spanish Meaning in English
1 que that
2 de of, from
3 no no
4 a to

What are the most common phrases in Spanish?

Important Spanish Phrases to Know: The Basics

  • Hola – “Hello”
  • ¿Qué tal? – “How are you?”
  • ¿Qué pasa? – “What’s up?”
  • ¿Cómo te va? – “How’re you doing?”
  • Bien – “Good”
  • Muy bien – “Very good”
  • Así así – “So-so”
  • No tan bien – “Not so good”

How do you respond to Mucho Gusto?

Instead of saying “adios” to someone who you just met, you can simply say “mucho gusto!” And if you are wondering how to respond to “mucho gusto”, the best answer is “igualmente” o “mucho gusto también”.

What is the reply of Hola?

1 Answer. Other responses to “hola” you might use: Buenos días/tardes/noches. Buenas. Non-native, everyday user of Spanish here…

How do you respond to pleasure in Spanish?

The next time someone says “gracias,” try responding with one of these phrases:

  1. Con mucho gusto → My pleasure (Literally: With much pleasure) Gracias por cocinar hoy.
  2. Es un placer → It’s a pleasure.
  3. Por nada → It’s nothing.
  4. No hay de que → Don’t mention it.
  5. A la orden → At your service.

How do you respond to Hasta luego?

Hasta luego means see you soon in Spanish so you can respond by saying “hasta luego” back or “igualmente adios” orrrr simply say “adios”.

What does hasta el fuego means?

see you next time my friend

What does hasta luego means?

until later : see you later

Can you just say hasta?

If you want to say, “Until we see each other again”, then just say “Hasta la vista”. “Hasta” isn’t only used with “hasta la vista”. You can say “hasta ahora”, which means “we’ll see each other in a while”. “Hasta mañana” means “until tomorrow” and is a common way of saying goodbye at the end of a day.

What’s como estas mean?

“Cómo estás” and “cómo te va” are both informal ways of asking “how are you?” but ““cómo te va” is even more informal. These are good general rules to follow, but details like accents can change the meaning.

What is die in Spanish?

die → morir, perecer.

How do you say in Spanish What is your name?

What’s your name? = ¿Cómo te llamas?

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