What is poetic faith?

What is poetic faith?

. . . directed to persons and characters supernatural, or at least romantic; yet so as to transfer from our inward nature a human interest and a semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of the imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith. ( BL 2: 6)

Who Said Willing suspension of disbelief?

Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge

What is suspension of disbelief answers?

“Willing suspension of disbelief” is a phrase given by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his book ‘Biographia literaria’ chapter 14, which means a willingness to suspend one’s critical faculties and believe something surreal (when one sacrifice realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment)

What does displeased mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to incur the disapproval or dislike of especially by annoying their gossip displeases her.

What does enlarge mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to make larger : extend enlarged the family fortune with new investments. 2 : to give greater scope to : expand education may enlarge one’s view of the world.

Is it unpleased or displeased?

“Unpleased” is considered archaic; the standard modern word for your reaction to something you don’t like is “displeased.” However “unpleasing” is still current to describe something that fails to please: “the arrangement of ‘Silent Night’ for truck air horns was unpleasing.” But “displeasing” is more common.

What’s another word for displeased?

Displeased Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for displeased?

aggrieved discontent
angry annoyed
bothered disappointed
disgusted indignant
irked irritated

What is the best synonym for attractive?


  • alluring.
  • beautiful.
  • enticing.
  • fair.
  • glamorous.
  • interesting.
  • inviting.
  • lovely.

What is the meaning of kind?

of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words. indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often followed by to): to be kind to animals. mild; gentle; clement: kind weather.

What is another word for unhappy?

SYNONYMS FOR unhappy 1 sorrowful, downcast, cheerless, distressed. 2 hapless. 3 unpropitious. 4 inappropriate, inapt.

Which word means full of joy?

sprightly; bustling; happy; lively; cheerful; gay; full of joy; buoyant; brisk; jolly; high-spirited; merry; upbeat; in high spirits; good-tempered.

What is the unforgivable sin in the Bible?

One eternal or unforgivable sin (blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) is specified in several passages of the Synoptic Gospels, including Mark 3:28–29, Matthew and Luke 12:10.

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