What are the W words?

What are the W words?

Words That Begin With W

  • wab.
  • wad.
  • wae.
  • wag.
  • wan.
  • wap.
  • war.
  • was.

What is the longest W word?

Longest word in English

Word Letters Meaning
Floccinaucinihilipilification 29 The act of regarding something as unimportant
Antidisestablishmentarianism 28 The political position of opposing disestablishment
Honorificabilitudinitatibus 27 The state of someone that can achieve honors

How do you say very cute?


  1. endearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, lovely, appealing, engaging, delightful, dear, darling, winning, winsome, charming, enchanting.
  2. attractive, pretty, as pretty as a picture.
  3. chocolate-box.
  4. Scottish, Northern English bonny.
  5. informal cutesy, dinky, twee, pretty-pretty, adorbs.

How do you use cute?

Cute sentence example

  1. You look cute like that.
  2. I think it is so cute the way you two flirt with each other.
  3. “He’s cute ,” Betty said as Dean snapped off the flashlight.
  4. She looked so cute that Carmen took a few pictures of her.
  5. She’s cute as a princess and smart, like her mother.

Who invented cute?

Konrad Lorenz

Can I say cute to a guy?

Zaio Guest. Yes, cute is a good word, it’s a word used when someone is attracted to a certain quality in you. If they say you have a cute smile, it means they’re attracted to it. Don’t turn a compliment into an insult based on insecurities about masculinity.

Do girls like abs?

In a (not-so-surprising) study conducted by Western Illinois University, women rated abs as the sexiest muscle on a man’s body, ThePostGame.com reports. Lucky for you, you can sculpt your abs; no such luck with changing your face. And to be fair, it’s not that women are completely shallow.

Is a 6 pack attractive?

Six-pack-abs will automatically follow, when you will have an overall athleticism and a lower body fat percentage under 12%. Of course, muscles are not the most important part of attractiveness, but they’ll give you a better posture and self-esteem.

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