What was Orpheus weakness?

What was Orpheus weakness?

Orpheus’ musical ability is his strength, and his lack of trust and impatience are his weaknesses. When Orpheus was born, Apollo had given him a golden lyre so that he could learn how to make music.

Why did Orpheus look back?

He looked back, because he was impatient and so close to the end, he longed for her, and he lusted, pined, and yearned for her hand – he thought he had completed his mission and succeeded in keeping his word and adhering to the condition and requirement of not looking back and being allowed to grasp and hold her in his …

Why did Orpheus win the sympathy of God?

Answer. Orpheus owe his talent in music to his mother, Calliope. He was able to win the sympathy of the gods because they were touched when he played his sad songs.

What power does Orpheus music have?

Orpheus is a figure from ancient Greek mythology, most famous for his virtuoso ability in playing the lyre or kithara. His music could charm the wild animals of the forest, and even streams would pause and trees bend a little closer to hear his sublime singing.

What was the greatest strength and weakness of Orpheus?


Is Orpheus a girl or boy?

Orpheus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Possibly “beautiful voice”. In Greek mythology, Orpheus was given his lyre by Apollo himself.

What is the ending of the story Orpheus?

Answer: Orpheus tried to follow her, but this time the goods would not allow it. And so he wandered the earth alone. he sang his sad songs to the trees and longed for the time when he, too, would die and be reunited with his beloved Eurydice in the underworld.

Why is it important that Orpheus was the greatest musician who ever lived?

Orpheus was the greatest musician who ever lived because his beautiful music allows him to travel to the underworld unharmed. Well, Orpheus was the greatest musician who ever lived, it is important because his beautiful music allows him to travel to the Underworld unharmed.

Why does Orpheus fail to rescue Eurydice?

Orpheus held Eurydice’s hand as they ran through the woods until he felt her fall and slip out of her hands. When he turned around, Orpheus saw Eurydice had stepped on a venomous snake that had bitten her. She was dying, and Orpheus was unable to save her.

How does losing Eurydice a second time affect Orpheus?

He is unable to persuade the ferryman to take him there. How does losing Eurydice a second time affect Orpheus? He cannot sing for seven days.

How did Orpheus react to losing his wife for the second time?

In this manner Orpheus lost her a second time. He loses when he looks on those below.” (Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy 3.52). Some affirm that Orpheus was torn in pieces by the MAENADS, but others say that he committed suicide out of grief for the death of his wife.

How did Orpheus get into the underworld?

Apollo, his father, would talk to Hades, the god of the Underworld, to accept him and hear his plea. Armed with his weapons, the lyre and voice, Orpheus approached Hades and demanded entry into the underworld. He played his lyre and sang out to King Hades and Queen Persephone that Eurydice was returned to him.

Which of the following quotes from Orpheus and Eurydice best shows the power of Orpheus?

For the first question the best quote emphasising the power of his music would be “His songs were so sad that no human could bear to listen to them”.

How could he live without his wife the other half of his soul?

“How could he live without his wife, the other half of his soul?” It warns that Orpheus’s could die if his wife left him.

Which quote from lies retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice shows how Orpheus used his music to accomplish a goal?

Answer: The quote “Cerberus dropped his three heads low, ceased snarling for a moment, and let him pass.” from lies retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice shows how Orpheus used his music to accomplish a goal. It reveals to us what music can do (nostalgically remember the past) and what it can’t (bring it back).

Which of the following quotes from Orpheus and Eurydice is an example of hyperbole?

The excerpt ” even the ice hard heart of Hades melted” is an example of hyperbole.

What is the effect of this hyperbole?

It is applied to accentuate the thoughts, ideas and images presented in the literature and it dramatizes the overall text. The objective of using hyperbole is to add an amusing effect in the text. In literature, it carries a great significance as it allows the writers to present something common in an intense manner.

What is the most likely reason that the author included this hyperbole?

The author of this text uses this hyperbole when he says that the music Orpheus played was so harmonious it would make the rivers stop in order to listen to it. The most likely reason why the author exaggerates in this way is in order to show how powerful and beautiful Orpheus music was.

What is the most likely reason why the author includes the details in this excerpt?

Answer Expert Verified The most likely reason the author included this excerpt from Jekyll’s point of view is to show the reader Jekyll’s thoughts.

Which of the following is the antecedent of the pronoun theirs?

Rivers stopped flowing along the bank’s so that they could hear Orpheus, whose music was harmonious than theirs. (all the words in Boldface refer to the same thing). The antecedent is the river!

Which of the following meanings of the vocabulary word broached is used in the following excerpt from Orpheus and Eurydice in vain Orpheus tried to follow his bride but this time the underworld was firmly closed to him no other mortal had broached it once and certainly he was not going?

In the given excerpt from Orpheus and Eurydice, the meaning of the word “broached” is “made a way into” and it is referring to a mortal making his way into the Underworld.

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