Why does Darry hate Paul Holden?

Why does Darry hate Paul Holden?

Darry hates Paul Holden because Paul was given the opportunity to attend college and play football, and he was not. Ponyboy mentions that Darry wasn’t only jealous of Paul Holden; he was also ashamed to be representing the Greasers. Paul is essentially the epitome of what Darry wishes he could have become.

What are Johnny’s last words?

2) What do Johnny’s last words mean? Right before he dies in the hospital, Johnny says “Stay gold, Ponyboy.” Ponyboy cannot figure out what Johnny means until he reads the note Johnny left. Johnny writes that “stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem Ponyboy shared when they were hiding at the church.

Does ponyboy Stay Gold?

A series of unfortunate events unfold from Johnny’s death, but eventually, Ponyboy is able to tell his tragic story of courage and bravery. Before he dies in the hospital, he tells Ponyboy to “stay gold.” There’s so much more tell about S.E. Hinton’s literary masterpiece that we could dissect in a book of its own.

Why did dally wanna die?

In The Outsiders, Dally wants to die because Johnny, the only person he truly loves, has died.

Did Sandy get pregnant in the outsiders?

For her part, Sandy turned Soda’s offer down, and it is heavily implied that she did so at her parents’ behest. One of the Curtis brothers in S. E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders, Sodapop was in love with his girlfriend, Sandy. Apparently, Sandy becomes pregnant, and she moves to Florida to live with her grandparents.

Why does ponyboy think Dally takes Johnny’s death so hard?

Johnny’s death was hard for Dally to handle because he was the one person Dally cared about. 3. Why do you think Dally would have wanted to die? Dally doesn’t have anyone else in the world that he cares about, and he doesn’t want to be alone.

What does Johnny leave for ponyboy?

Johnny leaves Ponyboy a note in the copy of Gone with the Wind that Johnny gives to Ponyboy. Johnny, who knows he is dying, tells Ponyboy that he doesn’t mind dying now because he saved several children in the church fire. He says that Ponyboy has many aspects of being gold, or appreciating the world.

Why did ponyboy hope bobs parents hate?

Ponyboy hoped that Bob’s parents hated him and the other greasers because he would rather have their hate than their pity. Ponyboy despises “that pity-the-victims-of-environment junk” because it demeans him and the greasers, he “would much rather have anybody’s hate than their pity”.

Who does ponyboy say killed Bob Why?


What’s wrong with ponyboy?

What was wrong with Ponyboy? Ponyboy was sick. Ponyboy was worried about whether or not he called for Darry when he was sick because he didn’t want Darry’s feelings to be hurt.

Did ponyboy faint when Johnny died?

In Chapter 9, Johnny dies. A little later, after Dally is shot dead by the police, Ponyboy faints. He faints because of the extraordinary amount of emotional and physical trauma to which he has been subjected in a brief period of time. His friends are dead, and he carries wounds from the rumble.

What do the doctors say that makes ponyboy realize Johnny is dying?

What do the doctors say that makes Ponyboy realize Johnny is dying? That it couldn’t hurt for him to have visitors now. That Ponyboy should go home. That they should call his mom.

Are Johnny’s parents abusive?

Johnny’s parents are abusive—his mother verbally, and his father physically. They’re both neglectful. Johnny refuses to see his mother when she comes to visit him in the hospital, and he takes his parents’ treatment of him personally (as would most people).

What was Bob’s real problem according to Randy?

He tells Ponyboy that Bob’s parents spoiled him rotten and let him get away with everything. According to Randy, Bob’s problem was that his parents never set any boundaries for him or punished him for his misbehavior.

Why did sodapop run away?

Sodapop runs out of the house to avoid witnessing another one of Darry and Pony’s arguments. He is already upset about Sandy, and the fighting between his brothers pushes him over the edge.

What did ponyboy find out that was making sodapop so heartbroken?

What did Ponyboy find out that was making Sodapop so heartbroken? He did not want Ponyboy and Darry fighting anymore because if tehy ” don’t have each other, [they] don’t have anything.

Why was soda in a bad mood outsiders?

History. Sodapop told Ponyboy he was sure he was going to marry Sandy. When running out of the house Soda drops a letter he had written to Sandy returned and unopened which just broke Soda’s heart more causing him to be in the bad mood he was in.

What is the only thing the judge asks ponyboy?

The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return home with his brothers. After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed. His grades suffer, he loses his coordination, memory, and appetite, and he resumes fighting with Darry.

What does Darry scold ponyboy for doing in bed after the rumble?

Smoking. What does Darry scold Ponyboy for doing in bed after the rumble? By telling Darry he will try to be more careful.

How did ponyboy’s parents die?

Ponyboy’s parents died in a car crash, so the three Curtis brothers live together by themselves, an arrangement possible only as long as they stay out of trouble. Twenty-year-old Darry acts as head of the family. He is strict with Ponyboy and often yells at him.

Why did Randy talk to ponyboy?

Why did Randy want to talk to Ponyboy? He wanted to say how he might run away and that he won’t be at the rumble. Why didn’t Randy want to fight in the upcoming rumble? It was useless; greasers would still be the greasers at the bottom and socs would still be the socs at the top.

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