What is railway safety?

What is railway safety?

Railway safety is concerned with the protection of life and property through regulation, management and technology development of all forms of rail transportation.

How can we stay safe in railways?

Passenger Rail Safety Tips

  1. STAY ALERT. Trains can come from either direction at any time and can be very quiet.
  2. WATCH THE OVERHANG. Trains are wider than the tracks; never sit on the edge of a station platform.

What is safety and non safety post in railway?

Out of these vacancies, 72,274 vacancies are safety category posts and 68,366 are non-safety category posts. The safety and non-safety category posts are given below. Safety Category posts. Assistant Loco Pilots. Loco Pilots (Goods/Mail/Passenger)/ Loco Pilot (Shunting)

What was the number used in Indian Railways for accidents and safety?

The Indian Railways has registered its best safety figures in almost four decades in 2018-2019 till March, data has shown. The number of consequential accidents has come down from 1,130 in 1980-81 to mere 59 (94.8 per cent reduction) in 2018-19.

Which is India’s first bullet train project?

Mumbai Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project: All Key Developments of India’s First Bullet Train Project In Year 2020.

Which has to be done to avoid road accidents?


  • Drive in the prescribed speed limits on the various roads.
  • Always put on helmets, seat belts and other safety equipments before driving a bicycle/ motor cycle/vehicle.
  • Do not drink and drive.
  • Never use mobile phones or ear phones while driving.

Why is road safety important?

It is very important to be aware that road traffic injuries remain an important public health problem. When road safety products are utilized correctly or efficiently, they can help save lives, prevent accidents and injuries, and keep a society functioning in the most optimal way.

Who can prevent accidents?

Top Ten Tips To Avoid An Accident

  • Develop the right attitude about driving.
  • Get as much supervised practice driving as possible.
  • ALWAYS wear your safety belt.
  • Underage drinking and drug use is illegal.
  • Limit your passengers.
  • Limit your night driving.
  • Keep it slow and safe for starters.
  • Train for poor weather conditions.

What are the main causes of road accidents?

Causes of Road Accidents

  • Over Speeding.
  • Drunken Driving.
  • Distractions to Driver.
  • Red Light Jumping.
  • Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets.
  • Non-adherence to lane driving and overtaking in a wrong manner.

What are the top 5 causes of car accidents?

5 of the most common causes of car accidents

  1. Distracted Driving. Distracted driving has always been a leading cause of road accidents but it has only become worse thanks to the proliferation of new distraction triggers such as smartphones.
  2. Driving Under the Influence. Drunk driving is one of the surest paths to a road crash.
  3. Speed.
  4. Reckless Driving.
  5. Rain.

What are the 3 factors that cause accidents?

Cause factors can be grouped into the following categories:

  • human factors/personnel error.
  • malfunction or failure of aircraft structures, engines, or other systems.
  • deficient maintenance.
  • hazardous environment involving weather, volcanic ash, birds, etc.
  • air traffic management errors.
  • any combination of the above.

What are types of accidents?

Accident Types

  • Accidents at Work. You may have been involved in an accident whilst at work.
  • Slip/Trip Claims (public liability)
  • Industrial Diseases and Illnesses.
  • Road Traffic Accidents.
  • Accidents Abroad.
  • Accidents involving Animals.
  • Sports Related Injuries.
  • Clinical Negligence.

What do you mean by safety?

Safety is the state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

What is accident in safety?

Accident, unexpected event, typically sudden in nature and associated with injury, loss, or harm. With appropriate safety precautions and awareness of one’s actions and environment, many accidents can be avoided or prevented.

What is safety policy?

An organization’s safety policy is a recognized, written statement of its commitment to protect the health and safety of the employees, as well as the surrounding community.

What is human safety?

The Human Safety Net is a global movement of people helping people. Our programs aim to unlock the potential of people living in vulnerable circumstances. We support families with young children and integrate refugees through work, so that they can transform the lives of their families and communities.

How many types of safety are there in accident?

13 Types of accidents in the workplace. There are many types of accidents in the workplace which has resulted to multiple injuries, from mild to severe and death. This article will briefly enumerate the types of accidents in the workplace with a brief highlight on each.

What are the 6 types of hazards in the workplace?

The six main categories of hazards are:

  • Biological. Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse health impacts.
  • Chemical. Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that can cause harm.
  • Physical.
  • Safety.
  • Ergonomic.
  • Psychosocial.

What is unsafe act?

Unsafe acts are performed any time an employee fails to abide by safety rules and protocols. These actions include fighting, horseplay, or performing a job without the necessary safety equipment. Prior to employment, companies usually brief new employees about company policies and procedures involving safety.

What is accident sequence?

Sequence. Accident analysis is performed in four steps: Fact Analysis: After the forensic process has been completed or at least delivered some results, the facts are put together to give a “big picture.” The history of the accident is reconstructed and checked for consistency and plausibility.

What is accident study?

The purpose is to find the possible causes of accident related to driver, vehicle, and roadway. Accident analyses are made to develop information such as: Driver and Pedestrian – Accident occurrence by age groups and relationships of accidents to physical capacities and to psychological test results.

What is accident with example?

An accident is a bad event caused by error or by chance. Accidents are always unintentional, and they usually result in some damage or injury. A car crash is one example of an accident. If some equipment malfunctions in a factory and injures the workers, that is also an accident.

What is Crash Analysis?

The purpose of a crash analysis is to see how the car will behave in a frontal or sideways collision. The crash analysis simulation and results can be used to assess both the crashworthiness of current frame and to investigate ways to improve the design.

Which solver is used for crash analysis?

Most recent answer. LSDYNA is used widely in the industry. I work for an aircraft engine company and we use DYNA widely for crash impact and thermo-mechanical modelling.

What is crash point in project management?

Crashing is the technique to use when fast tracking has not saved enough time on the schedule. It is a technique in which resources are added to the project for the least cost possible. Cost and schedule tradeoffs are analyzed to determine how to obtain the greatest amount of compression for the least incremental cost.

What is a non trivial crash situation?

A non-trivial crash, as defined by 49 CFR Part 563 – Event Data Recorders, is any collision resulting in a change in velocity (Delta-V) to the vehicle of more than 5 miles per hour over 150 milliseconds.

What is difference between PERT and CPM?

PERT is a technique of planning and control of time. Unlike CPM, which is a method to control costs and time. While PERT is evolved as a research and development project, CPM evolved as a construction project. PERT deals with unpredictable activities, but CPM deals with predictable activities.

What is CPM and PERT technique?

1. PERT is that technique of project management which is used to manage uncertain (i.e., time is not known) activities of any project. CPM is that technique of project management which is used to manage only certain (i.e., time is known) activities of any project.

What is the first step in project crashing?

  1. Step 1: Analyze the critical path.
  2. Step 2: Identify all tasks that can be shortened with additional resources.
  3. Step 3: Calculate for each task: trade-off, gain, time reduction.
  4. Step 4: Choose the least costly approach.
  5. Step 5: Provide a crashing budget and updated project baselines to the sponsor.

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