How do you cite the New York Times in APA?

How do you cite the New York Times in APA?

Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year of Publication, Month Day if Given). Title of article: Subtitle if any.

How do you cite a New York Times article?

“Article Title.” Newspaper Title [City], Day Month Year published, p. Page number. Database Name, URL.

How do you cite an online newspaper article in APA?

Newspaper Article (Retrieved Electronically)

  1. General Format:
  2. In-Text Citation (Paraphrase):
  3. (Author’s Last Name, year)
  4. In-Text Citation (Direct Quote):
  5. (Author’s Last Name, year, page number)
  6. References:
  7. Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. ( Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper Title.
  8. Examples:

How do you cite newspaper articles in APA format?

Basic format to reference newspaper articles Year and publication date. Article title. Newspaper title (in italics). Page number (if available).

How do you cite an entire website in APA?

If you are citing an entire website, provide the address of the site within the text of your paper. According to the APA, there is no need to include the site in your reference list. Example: The APA Style website is a good source of information on using APA style properly (

How do you in-text cite an article in APA?

APA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14).

How do you do an in-text citation for an article?

In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. “Here’s a direct quote” (Smith 8). If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the Works Cited list, such as quotation marks.

How do you in-text cite an article with no page number?

MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith).

How do you cite an online journal article in APA 7th edition?

Name of Journal, Volume Number(Issue Number), first page number-last page number. Note: The APA Manual (7th ed.) recommends not including the database or the URL of the journal home page for online articles without a DOI.

How do you in-text cite a website in APA 7th edition?

Quote from website or electronic source with no page numbers with author’s name in parentheses. Include the author’s name, the date, and the paragraph number, heading or section, or both in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Furthermore, the research “…” (Smith, 2019, para. 4).

Can you reference a website?

The essential elements you require to create a web page reference include: The Author. [Call out: The author may be a person, or an organisation]; Year of publication; Title of web page or web document; Publisher; the date you viewed the content in the format day, month, year; and the Web address.

How do you cite a website in APA format with no author or date?

Website with no author and no date

  1. Bibliographic references are double-spaced and indented half an inch after the first line.
  2. If there is no author, the article title comes first.
  3. If there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d.
  4. It is no longer necessary to include the date of retrieval.

How do I cite a website in APA format with no author?

Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title or abbreviated title.: (“All 33 Chile Miners,” 2010). Note: Use the full title of the web page if it is short for the parenthetical citation.

How do you cite an article with no date in APA?

For a work with no date, use “n.d.” in both the reference list entry and the in-text citation.

How do you in-text cite without page numbers?

Using In-text Citation MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith).

How do you in-text cite page numbers in APA?

How do you cite a Kindle book without page numbers in APA?

To cite in text for e-books lacking page numbers it is suggested by the APA that you include any of the following to cite the quotation:

  1. a paragraph number, if provided; alternatively, you can count paragraphs down from the beginning of the document;
  2. an overarching heading plus a paragraph number within that section; or.

How do you cite a Kindle book without page numbers?

If there are no page numbers, use paragraph numbers:

  1. Count the paragraphs and use the (Smith, 2016, para. 20) method of citation.
  2. Or, you can use chapter title and paragraph number such as (Smith, 2016, “Chapter 5,” para. 17).

How do you cite a book in APA format in a paper?

A book citation in APA Style always includes the author’s name, the publication year, the book title, and the publisher….Basic book citation format.

Format Last name, Initials. (Year). Book title (Editor/translator initials, Last name, Ed. or Trans.) (Edition). Publisher.
In-text citation (Anderson, 1983, p. 23)

Author, F.M. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article Title. Newspaper Title, pp.

How do I cite a news website in APA?

Provide the writer as the author. Provide the specific date the story was published. Provide the title of the news story in italic sentence case. List the name of the news website in the source element of the reference.

How do you alphabetize citations in Word?

Sort a list alphabetically in Word

  1. Select the list you want to sort.
  2. Go to Home > Sort.
  3. Set Sort by to Paragraphs and Text.
  4. Choose Ascending (A to Z) or Descending (Z to A).
  5. Select OK.

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