What is another word for miss you?

What is another word for miss you?

What is another word for miss you?

need want
wish for yearn for
ache for grieve for
feel nostalgic for long to see
regret the loss of feel the loss of

What can I say besides I miss you?

Ways to Say I MISS YOU in English

  • I hope I see you again.
  • I long for you.
  • I yearn for you.
  • I miss your smile.
  • You crossed my mind.
  • I’ve been thinking of you.
  • I feel sad without you.
  • I wish you were here.

What do you reply to I miss you?

How to respond to I miss you: best responses to someone you like or love.

  • 01“I miss you too.”
  • 02“What do you miss about me?”
  • 03“I’ve been thinking about you too.”
  • 04“I wish you were here.”
  • 05“I can’t wait to see you again.”
  • 06“I am counting down the days until we’re together again.”

Does Miss You mean love?

We generally write “I miss you” to our loved ones only. Like if you are missing your brother who you haven’t seen in like months.. So, if you text him that “I miss you “, that’s because you love your brother and you care for him.

When a girl says she misses you what does it mean?

It usually means that they miss you, literally. They miss you because they like to be around you because you’re a great friend and make them feel amazing. Note that just because a girl says something nice to you does not mean that she wants a relationship with you. That is where most men go wrong.

When a girl ask why do you miss me?

Originally Answered: What does it mean when a girl says “do you miss me”? That she wants your attention. Women need constant reassurance & she’s directly asking you for it. I had a former coworker that used to ask me that question a lot.

Should you ever tell a girl you miss her?

Yes, it is perfectly okay to tell a girl your missed because guess what she wants to know. She wants to know if you think about her as much as she thinks about you. She also wants to know if she wanted. So go ahead and tell her you miss her it’ll make her day.

Should you ask someone if they miss you?

It may be helpful to ask directly if the person misses you, but be careful about putting them on the spot. If they feel accused, they might not answer honestly.

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