What was in the kettle in the crucible?

What was in the kettle in the crucible?

Parris hesitantly adds that he saw a kettle in the grass when he caught the girls at their dancing. Abigail claims that it contained soup, but Parris insists that he saw something moving in it. Abigail says that a frog jumped in. Tituba tells Parris and Hale that Abigail begged her to conjure and concoct a charm.

What does Abigail claim was in the kettle in the forest?

What does Abigail claim was in the kettle in the forest? She claims there was soup. Which two women does Tituba say she saw with the devil? the women were Sarah Good and Goody Osburn.

What was Mercy Lewis doing in the woods?

She was dancing in the woods with ruth, abigail, tituba,mary warren, and mercy lewis. neice to rev parris (her uncle) mean, controlling, and manipulative.

What really happened in the forest in the crucible?

She reveals that Abby drank chicken blood in the forest in an attempt to cast a spell to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail slaps her and tells everyone that they had better stay quiet about the details of what really happened. Mary and Mercy both leave, and Abigail and John are left alone.

What were Abigail and Betty doing in the woods?

What did Parris see in the woods? He saw Abigail, Betty and other girls dancing in the woods. Elizabeth knows that Abigail and her husband had an affair, so she fired her. Abigail believes that Elizabeth has spread rumors about the affair.

What happened to Ann Putnam?

Ann was the only one of the afflicted girls to apologize for her role in the Salem Witch Trials. She died 10 years later in 1716, at the age of 37, from unknown causes and was buried with her parents in one of the Putnam family cemeteries in Salem Village.

How many babies did Mrs Putnam lose?


Why is Ann Putnam jealous of Rebecca?

Putnam’s jealousy of Rebecca Nurse stems from the fact that Mrs. Putnam has had many children die in childbirth, while Rebecca Nurse has had no problem bearing children. Ultimately, this leads to the accusation of Rebecca Nurse for witchcraft, for which she is sentenced and hanged.

What does Mrs Putnam think is wrong with Betty?

What does Mrs. Putnam believe is wrong with Betty Parris? She is under the influence of witchcraft. She is suffering from a severe fever.

What were Thomas Putnam’s true motives?

Putnam’s motivations are to underbid the land value and then gain more land in Salem for a tidier profit. His willingness to speak about witchcraft are personal in another way.

Does Abigail hide her true motives?

Might Abigail be unaware of her true motives? No. She knows what she is doing.

How is Mary Warren different in character from Abigail and Mercy?

Abigail is manipulative and dominant whereas Mary is easily persuaded, scared and lonely. Marry is naive and innocent. Mary wanted to to tell the truth from the beginning, but Abigail convinced her not to. Abigail is the leader of the girls whereas Mary is a follower with less power and influence.

What is wrong with Betty?

Betty is essentially suffering from a psychological illness, which stems from her fear of being punished for dancing in the woods with the other girls. Hysteria concerning witchcraft may also motivate Betty to remain incapacitated in her bed. As far as an actual physical illness goes, there is nothing wrong with Betty.

Why is Abigail so dark?

What does Abigail threaten to do to the girls if they tell about the casting of spells in the woods. She is so dark because she saw her own parents murdered so she feels like she is capable of doing it to the girls.

Why is Abigail afraid the others will confess what they were doing in the woods?

Why is Abigail afraid the others will confess what they were doing in the woods? She is afraid because she knows that they will incriminate her. Abigail trusts John and thinks its safe to tell him what happened to Betty i not witchcraft but instead just fear.

Why does Betty accuse others of witchcraft?

Abigail did not confess this to her uncle, Betty’s father, and Betty knows this. Betty starts accusing people to deflect suspicion away from herself and the other girls from their dabblings in the occult in the woods. She is terrified into submission by Abigail, who tells Betty and the other girls, “…

Why are Betty and Abigail named?

Why do Abigail and Betty name names? Abigail accuses Tituba to get blame off of her. Hale leads Tituba into naming names by putting words in her mouth and kind of giving her a way out. Abigail and Betty name names to completely get the blame off of them and to focus it on the others.

Why are the girls afraid in the crucible?

Abigail fears that the other girls will confess everything they were doing in the woods because she does not want to get in trouble for practicing witchcraft.

Why does Betty start screaming in the crucible?

Why does Betty start screaming? She starts screaming because she hears a church song and can’t bear to hear the Lord’s name. Putnam names names first because she believes the witch behind it all is the midwife that has delivered all her children. All her children except one have died.

How does Abigail treat her friends?

Abigail is afraid the other girls will confess what was truly going on in the woods and she doesn’t want to get into trouble. She admits that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring spirits only to save Betty from being accused of witchcraft. Abigail treats the other girls badly, but treats her uncle good and with respect.

What are Abigail’s feelings for John Proctor for Elizabeth Proctor?

Abigail still loves John and she not only is antagonistic toward Elizabeth because Elizabeth asked Abigail to leave the Proctor house, she is jealous of Elizabeth. Abigail sees Elizabeth as an impediment to her own happiness and she thinks if Elizabeth is out of the way, she can have John.

Why does Abigail hate Elizabeth Proctor?

She insists that Elizabeth Proctor “hates [her]” because Abigail “would not be her slave.” She calls Elizabeth a “lying, cold, sniveling woman” who she cannot abide working for.

What did Abigail say to John?

She says, “I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved me then and you do now!” She believes that John still loves her, and he does not deny it; he only says that he will never “reach” for her again.

Does John still love Abigail?

John’s feelings for Abigail are not entirely clear to us at the beginning of the play. He spends time with her in the first act, and is kind to her, although he also makes it clear that he is not going to resume their affair. This confession seems to indicate if John ever loved Abigail, he loves Elizabeth much more.

Why does Abigail drink blood?

In act 1 of The Crucible, Abigail drinks blood as a charm to bring about Elizabeth Proctor’s death because she is envious of Elizabeth and desires John Proctor. When Reverend Parris demands to know what the girls have done the previous night, Abigail does not tell him everything.

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