What words should not be used in an argumentative essay?

What words should not be used in an argumentative essay?

The following guidelines should help you maintain a formal writing voice in your essays.

  • Do not use first-person pronouns (“I,” “me,” “my,” “we,” “us,” etc.).
  • Avoid addressing readers as “you.”
  • Avoid the use of contractions.
  • Avoid colloquialism and slang expressions.
  • Avoid nonstandard diction.

What should be avoided in a good essay?

10 things to avoid in your essay

  • Being too general/vague structure.
  • Trying too hard to sound academic.
  • Using doubtful sources.
  • Copying and paste – a big NO!
  • Forgetting to quote/reference.
  • Forgetting to proofread.
  • Using “slang wording’
  • Not following task specifications.

How do you cut unnecessary words?

10 Tricks to Reduce Your Word Count in Academic Writing

  1. Delete “The” You can often omit the word “the” from your text without losing any meaning.
  2. Erase “That”
  3. Remove Adverbs and Adjectives.
  4. Use Shorter Words.
  5. Trim Wordy Phrases.
  6. Choose Active Voice.
  7. Revise Needless Transitions.
  8. Eliminate Conjunctions.

What are unnecessary words?

A word which adds nothing extra to a sentence is called a pleonasm. A word which merely repeats the meaning of another word in an expression is called a tautology. These are both cases of redundant words and can be omitted.

How do you fix wordy sentences?

Together, these changes create a stronger, more concise sentence.

  1. Use the Key Noun.
  2. Use Active Voice rather than Passive Voice Verbs.
  3. Avoid Unnecessary Language.
  4. Use Nouns rather than Vague Pronouns as Subjects.
  5. Use Verbs rather than Nouns to Express Action.
  6. Avoid a String of Prepositional Phrases.

Why should unnecessary words and phrases be eliminated?

Why should unnecessary words and phrases be eliminated? Unnecessary words and phrases result in redundancy. A writer can achieve efficiency in writing by using concise words and phrases that denote clear meaning.

How do I stop wordy phrases?

How to Avoid Wordiness

  1. Cut Adjectives and Adverbs. This is something Ernest Hemingway became famous for.
  2. Eliminate Redundant Words and Phrases.
  3. Don’t Use Unnecessary Prepositions.
  4. Avoid Passive Voice.
  5. Use Simple Past/Present Instead of Present/Past Perfect and Present/Past Continuous.
  6. Synthesis.
  7. Nick.

How do you fix redundancy in writing?

7 Things to Remember to Avoid Redundancies in Writing

  1. Avoid using double negatives. This is a basic concept in writing.
  2. Beware of pleonasm.
  3. Be careful when using abbreviations.
  4. Use intensifiers appropriately.
  5. Be conscious of language origin.
  6. Remove unnecessary phrases.
  7. Always observe the “less is more” rule.

What is a proper sentence?

A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. The subject is typically a noun or a pronoun. And, if there’s a subject, there’s bound to be a verb because all verbs need a subject. Beyond these basic elements, a complete sentence must also express a complete thought.

What is a one word paragraph?

What Is a One-Sentence Paragraph? A one-sentence paragraph is simply an entire paragraph made of a single sentence. The one-sentence paragraph comes in two varieties: A paragraph made up of one short sentence that makes its main point transparent.

Which statement is the strongest claim for an argumentative research paper Silver Lake?

The correct answer is: Option C. Limiting activities along Silver Lake will reduce pollution in the lake and along its shore.

What to say to end an argument?

Here are four simple statements you can use that will stop an argument 99 percent of the time.

  • “Let me think about that.” This works in part because it buys time.
  • “You may be right.” This works because it shows willingness to compromise.
  • “I understand.” These are powerful words.
  • “I’m sorry.”

What should you not say in a fight?

20 Things You Should Never Say In an Argument With Your Spouse

  • “I should have never married you.” Shutterstock/wavebreak media.
  • “You never help out around the house.” Shutterstock.
  • “You’re always on my back.” Shutterstock.
  • “I hate you.”
  • “This is your fault.”
  • “I shouldn’t have listened to you…”
  • “This was just like the last time!
  • “I could find someone better than you in an instant.”

How do you win an argument with silence?

Silence is golden: Sometimes, silence is the most effective argument. Stop talking in the middle of the argument and stay quiet no matter what your opponent says or does. Use this tactic after you’ve made a pretty strong point and your opponent is trying to bluster his way out of the net you’ve entangled him in.

How do you win an argument over text?

5 Tips To Always Winning A Text Fight

  1. Stay Calm. I previously spent my days in agony, sending all caps and exclamation points to get my point across.
  2. Don’t Say “K”
  3. Take Your Time.
  4. Simple Sarcasm Is Your Friend.
  5. Know When It’s Time To Quit.

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