What are the steps of descriptive investigation?

What are the steps of descriptive investigation?

Be sure to have:

  • Make an observation about a phenomenon (qualitative and/or quantitative)
  • Ask a research question.
  • Hypothesize a possible answer for your question.
  • Create a procedure to test your hypothesis.
  • Identify what you are testing.
  • Identify your control group/experimental group.

Why are descriptive investigations repeatable?

Descriptive investigations are not repeatable because they are based only on observations made at a single point in time. The results may vary at a different time. In addition, descriptive investigations do not contain variables that may indicate cause-and-effect relationships.

What best describes comparative and descriptive investigations?

Answer: Describe investigation involves the act of quantifying segments of a natural system. Comparative investigation involves the collecting or collection of data on different population under different conditions or basics e.g time, location of the year by making comparisons.

Which kind of investigations never include a hypothesis?

The correct answer is a descriptive investigation. An investigation which does not involve hypotheses called descriptive investigation.

What does a control group show an experimental investigation?

A control group in a scientific experiment is a group separated from the rest of the experiment, where the independent variable being tested cannot influence the results. This isolates the independent variable’s effects on the experiment and can help rule out alternative explanations of the experimental results.

What is limitation of descriptive investigation?

A descriptive study is limited to a description of the occurrence of a disease in a population. It is unable to test hypotheses.

What is an example of an experimental investigation?

Experimental investigations have a control group which does not receive any treatment. For example, a student might conduct an investigation to answer the question “What is the effect of light color on plant growth?” In this experiment, the variable color of light is changed by the student.

What part of an investigation is only found in an experimental investigation?

control group

When can you use comparative investigation?

Comparative investigations involve collecting data on different organisms/objects/features, or collecting data under different conditions (e.g., times of year, temperatures, locations) to make a comparison.

What types of questions can most likely be answered through scientific investigation?

Explanation: Testable questions ask about objects, organisms, and events in the natural world. Testable questions can be answered through investigations that involve experiments, observations, or surveys. Testable questions are answered by collecting and analyzing evidence that is measurable.

What is a limitation of comparative investigations?

Limitation of comparative investigation is that when it is done on a huge population, huge amount cost is required. Explanation: Benefit of comparative investigation is that we can get descrete information about specific breed or species. It is important for the study of behaviour of many organisms.

Which is a limitation of comparative investigations quizlet?

Which is a limitation of comparative investigations? They give results that are usually not repeatable by other scientists. They might show variable relationships that are not actually cause and effect. They can usually only be conducted in labs instead of in natural environments.

Which question Cannot be answered by an experiment?

Questions that cannot be answered through scientific investigation are those that relate to personal preference, moral values, the supernatural, or unmeasurable phenomena.

What are constant factors in an experiment?

TL;DR: In a science experiment, the controlled or constant variable is a variable that does not change. For example, in an experiment to test the effect of different lights on plants, other factors that affect plant growth and health, such as soil quality and watering, would need to remain constant.

What makes scientific investigations similar to other types of investigations?

All investigations share steps of the scientific method, such as asking a question, conducting research, or analyzing data. The differences between investigations are usually related to what’s being examined and the order of the steps followed.

What are the six components of scientific investigation?

The scientific method consists of six steps:

  • Define purpose.
  • Construct hypothesis.
  • Test the hypothesis and collect data.
  • Analyze data.
  • Draw conclusion.
  • Communicate results.

What are the key elements of scientific investigations?

Steps of a scientific investigation include identifying a research question or problem, forming a hypothesis, gathering evidence, analyzing evidence, deciding whether the evidence supports the hypothesis, drawing conclusions, and communicating the results. Scientific research must be guided by ethical rules.

What are the 3 kinds of variables?

There are three main variables: independent variable, dependent variable and controlled variables.

What should you do before you begin to plan a scientific investigation?

What should you do before you begin to plan a scientific investigation? -Perform background research to learn what is already known about the question you are trying to answer. -Create the data that will support your hypothesis.

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