What would a utilitarian do in the Trolley Problem?

What would a utilitarian do in the Trolley Problem?

In all the trolley scenarios, utilitarians would favor whatever option in which the greater numbers of lives are saved. The moral value of an action is not in its intrinsic nature, but rather in its consequences.

What according to Dr Barnard is the business of living?

Dr. Barnard learnt an important lesson about life from these boys . “The business of living, is the celebration of being alive”. Dr Barnard realized that it is not what you have lost that is important, but what you have been left with .

What lessons did Dr Barnard learn from the two children?

The lesson the author learnt: Barnard realised that the joy of living is most important in the world. The children showed him what we have lost is not important but what we have left is important. This is the lesson he had leamt from the two boys.

Who provide motor power by galloping along behind the trolley?

Answer: The mechanic provided motor power by galloping along behind the trolley with his head down. The driver steered the trolley by scraping his foot on the floor. The choice of the roles was easy because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm.

How had the speaker been looking at suffering?

The speaker can speak so knowledgeably about suffering because he is a surgeon and he sees people suffering on a daily basis. He knows the agony of their suffering. As a surgeon, he saved the lives of many and later on founded the Christiaan Barnard Foundation to help the underprivileged children around the world.

Why does Dr Barnard find suffering of children Heartbreaking?

Dr. Barnard and his wife had suffered severe injuries in an accident. He found the suffering of children heartbreaking because of their total trust in doctor and nurses.

What thoughts troubled Dr Christiaan Barnard as he neared the end of his career as a heart surgeon?

Towards the end of his career, Dr. Christiaan Barnard was troubled by the suffering of people and especially of young children. He could not accept the fact that 12 million children are unlikely to reach the age of one and about 6 million children die annually before reaching the age of five.

What injuries did Dr Barnard and his wife sustain in the accident?

Barnard had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lungs and his wife had a badly fractured shoulder.

How did a casual incident in a hospital help Dr Bernard perceive a new dimension of life?

He couldn’t take his dad’s view that suffering ennobles human beings. But the little boys taught him a profound lesson of life. You don’t become a better person because you suffered, your suffering does not ennoble you. But you become a better person because you have experienced suffering.

Where did Dr Barnard witness the Grand Prix?

Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital

How had the speaker been looking at suffering in celebration of being alive?

He was angry that it had happened. He could not find comfort in his father’s way of looking at suffering as God way of making us better people. His personal encounter with the suffering of children began with his father showing him the biscuit his brother had bitten before he died as a child with an abnormal heart.

What injuries did they sustain in the accident?

Dr. Barnard had eleven broken ribs. A lung was profoundly perforated. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder.

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